Friday, December 27, 2019

Spirituality in Shakespeares Hamlet Essay - 2389 Words

Can anyone possibly deny the spirituality within the Shakespearean tragedy Hamlet? Yes, some literary critics do. But most critics agree with the contention of this paper – that there is considerable spirituality present in the play. In his essay â€Å"Hamlet: His Own Falstaff,† Harold Goddard sees that Hamlet was made for â€Å"religion† and several other purposes: He [Hamlet] was made, that is, for religion and philosophy, for love and art, for liberty to â€Å"grow unto himself† – five forces that are the elemental enemies of Force. And this man is called upon to kill. It is almost as if Jesus had been asked to play the role of Napoleon (as the temptation in the wilderness suggests that in some sense he was). If Jesus had been,†¦show more content†¦(40) In his Introduction to Modern Critical Interpretations: Hamlet, Harold Bloom finds the Bible in this drama: Horatio, then, represents by way of our positive association with him; it is a commonplace, but not less true for that, to say that Hamlet represents by negation. I think this negation is Biblical in origin, which is why it seems so Freudian to us, because Freudian negation is Biblical and not Hegelian, as it were. Hamlet is Biblical rather than Homeric or Sophoclean. Like the Hebrew hero confronting Yahweh, Hamlet needs to be everything in himself yet knows the sense in which he is nothing in himself. (5) The first soliloquy, or â€Å"act of talking to oneself, whether silently or aloud† (Abrams 289), occurs when the hero is left alone after the royal social gathering in the room of state in the castle of Elsinore. He is dejected by the â€Å"o’erhasty marriage† of his mother to his uncle less than two months after the funeral of Hamlet’s father (Gordon 128). His first soliloquy emphasizes two religious/moral themes: the corruption of the world at large, and the frailty of women – an obvious reference to his mother’s hasty and incestuous marriage to her husband’s brother: O, that this tooShow MoreRelatedEssay about Hidden Spirituality in Shakespeares Hamlet2169 Words   |  9 Pagesthe author of this essay, the obvious presence of considerable spirituality within the Shakespearean tragedy Hamlet. The purpose of this paper is to identify and elaborate on selected spiritual elements in the play. Not all critics appreciate the spirituality in Hamlet. A.C. 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This essay will delve into the spiritual side of the play.    In   â€Å"Judgment in Hamlet† Gunnar Boklund discusses the spiritual dimension of the ghost of King Hamlet:      It is a commonplace to refer to Hamlet’s â€Å"dilemma† and a critical problem to explain in what this dilemma consists. A natural way to come to termsRead MoreThe Spiritual Dimension of Hamlet Essay2181 Words   |  9 PagesIs there a religious dimension to the Shakespearean tragedy Hamlet? Yes indeed. And many literary critics attest to this. This religious dimension will be the subject of the present essay. In his Introduction to Modern Critical Interpretations: Hamlet, Harold Bloom finds the Bible in this drama: Horatio, then, represents by way of our positive association with him; it is a commonplace, but not less true for that, to say that Hamlet represents by negation. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Effects Of Binge Drinking On Children - 960 Words

There is a lot of support and treatment for binge drinking. Organisations such as Alcohol know your Limits and like a drink. These organisations provide support and advice to people who are suffering with binge drinking. They provide useful information about alcohol and what each genders drinking guidelines is. In addition they also provide information on the long and short term effects of binge drinking on an individual both physical and mental. Furthermore they have hotlines that people can call in if individuals need advice or help on where to get treatments. There are alcohol rehab centres that provide treatment for binge drinking. These places allow individuals to understand the impacts that their drinking had on family and friends through group talks. Furthermore they provide a safe environment for these people, which ensures that they don’t got out and drink for example and since they are in these safe environment they are away from the reasons they started binge drinki ng (Alcohol Rehab, 2015), (, 2015). Rationale Binge drinking is the topic I have chosen for sixth form students because it is the age where students have come of age to drink legally and buy alcohol which may make them feel like they are old enough to drink excessively as they may believe it is expected of them at that age, since not only does society expects sixth form students to drink they are also expected by friends to socialise with them by going out to clubs and pubs. StudentsShow MoreRelatedTeenage Binge Drinking and its Consequences1294 Words   |  6 PagesTeenage drinking is among the issues that have received respectable attention from researchers owing to its increase. In the United States as well as other countries, underage drinking has become a prevalent issue with often far-reaching consequences. Teenagers, who engage in binge drinking, are likely to be exposed to other dangers, such as psychological issues, drinking-related accidents, and violent crimes. The increased prevalence of this problem makes it impera tive to understand contributingRead MoreThe Effects Of Binge Drinking On College Students1139 Words   |  5 PagesThe Effects of Binge Drinking in College Students Binge drinking is when a person has more than four drinks, if female and five if male, in one sitting. While researching texts written about the negative effects of binge drinking in college students, I found articles and scholarly journals written by specialists in this specific field of study. These authors mainly focus on the fact that excessive binge drinking is detrimental to the quality of life and can alter your state of health in a negativeRead MoreBeat the Binge1327 Words   |  6 PagesBEAT THE BINGE â€Å"A national program to reduce binge drinking in teenagers† UTS BEAT THE BINGE â€Å"A national program to reduce binge drinking in teenagers† UTS Beat the Binge â€Å"A national program to reduce binge drinking in teenagers.† Synopsis Alcohol Abuse in Australian teenagers has become an ever-growing epidemic nationwide, in particular teens aged between 14 and 17 years of age. This health issue not only has detrimental effects on teenagers but also has devastating effects on peopleRead MoreAccording To â€Å"College Drinking,† Almost Two Out Of Three1388 Words   |  6 PagesAccording to â€Å"College Drinking,† almost two out of three college students engage in binge drinking. Binge drinking is a pattern of drinking that brings blood alcohol concentration (BAC) levels to 0.08 g/dL or higher (â€Å"College Drinking†). Many parents, guardians, and psychologists believe that college students binge drink because they think drinking is an integral part of their higher education. Similar to peer pressure, college students drink because the rest of the student body drinks. FurthermoreRead MoreEffects Of Alcohol On The Body s Organs And Brain Activity1350 Words   |  6 Pagesthinks, feels and behave s (, 2014). Excessive alcohol consumption can have many negative effects on the body’s organs and brain activity. Major health problems such as cardiovascular disease, cirrhosis, depression, gout and pancreatitis can occur as a result of consuming large quantities of alcohol and have the potential to be fatal (Freeman, 2016). Binge Drinking is the act of consuming an excessive amount of alcoholic beverages within a short period of time with intentionsRead MoreBinge Drinking and College Students777 Words   |  3 PagesBinge Drinking Binge Drinking is a problem for college students who are expose to an unlimited access of alcohol for the first time ever. Studies have found that an individual’s critical thinking ability is impaired because of alcohol consumption. â€Å"Binge drinking means drinking so much within about 2 hours that blood alcohol concentration (BAC) levels reach 0.08g/dl.† As the CDC reports â€Å"One in six U.S. adults binge drinks about four times a month, consuming about eight drinks per binge† . AlcoholRead MoreAlcohol As A Alcoholic Beverage1362 Words   |  6 PagesAustralian society, alcohol has many roles. Many Australians take alcohol mostly for relaxation, enjoyment and for social reasons, and generally they consume alcohol at levels that cause few adverse effects. However, a significant proportion of Australians take alcohol at levels that cause adverse effects. In many countries, Australia inclusive, disease, injury and a considerable burden of death is attributed to alcohol. Families and the broader community are also affected by alcohol-related harm. SomeRead MoreDrinking Age1395 Words   |  6 Pagesthing or another is good or bad, helpful or hurtful. Some debates are simple with no major side e ffects such as would drinking gatorade or water better maximize the performance of athletes. Other debates involving drinking are not as simple, these debates involve alcohol drinking age. Both arguments can have different viewpoints, the difference is the significance in the argument. What should the legal drinking age in the United States be? Consuming alcohol has been done for many years. UnlikeRead MoreAlcohol As A Alcoholic Beverage1362 Words   |  6 PagesAustralian society, alcohol has many roles. Many Australians take alcohol mostly for relaxation, enjoyment and for social reasons, and generally they consume alcohol at levels that cause few adverse effects. However, a significant proportion of Australians take alcohol at levels that cause adverse effects. In many countries, Australia inclusive, disease, injury and a considerable burden of death is attributed to alcohol. Families and the broader community are also affected by alcohol-related harm. SomeRead MoreTeens and Alcohol Essay1416 Words   |  6 PagesTeens and Alcohol Everyday teenagers are faced with many decisions. One of the most important of these is whether or not to join in with the trend of teenage drinking. The decision teenagers make can be crucial to their future well being and success in life. Teenage drinking has many causes, namely peer pressure, the attitudes of society, parental influence, and addiction. Changes need to be made in each of these areas for teenagers to be protected from alcohol related problems. Peer pressure

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The essay on 1984 by George Orwell Example For Students

The essay on 1984 by George Orwell In this essay on 1984 by George Orwell I am going to give an analysis of the pages 72 until page 77. In this extract Winston, the main character of the book, visits Mr. Charringtons shop. This is not an usual shop, because in this shop there are things for sale that you wouldnt find anywhere else. Here there are things for sale that come from the past, thus forbidden things by the Party and Big Brother. The objects in the shop make Winston experience a sense of the past. Winston looks through the collection of stuff stored in the shop. The first remarkable thing Winston comes across, is a piece of glass with an unfamiliar object in it. It turns out to be a piece of coral that is embedded in a lump of glass. Winston is fascinated by it and decides to buy it. The things that appealed to him about the coral more that its beauty, was the air it seemed to posses of belonging to an age quite different from the present one and it was doubly attractive because of it apparent uselessness, though Winston was guessing that it once must have been intended as a paperweight. Then the shopkeeper takes Winston upstairs, to another room. There the room awakens in Winston a sort of nostalgia, a kind of ancestral memory. This is due to the fact that the room is arranged in a very cozy way: there was a strip of carpet on the floor, a picture or two on the walls, and a deep, slatternly armchair drawn up to the fireplace. An old-fashioned glass clock with a twelve-hour face was ticking away on the mantelpiece. Under the window, and occupying nearly a quarter of the room, was a enormous mahogany bed with the mattress still on it. Everything gave the impression that the room was meant to be lived in. And to Winston it seemed that he knew exactly how it must feel like to sit in a room like this. He imagined that it would be very nice to sit in the armchair beside the open fire with his feet in the fender and a kettle on the hob. He would be very at easy and utterly alone, and also utterly secure because nobody would be watching him, no voice would be pursuing him. In fact, because of the absence of the television screen in the room there would be no sound at all except the singing of the kettle and the friendly ticking of the clock. While examining the room further Winston also spots a picture in a rosewood frame of a vaguely familiar building. The recalls it being bombed somewhere in the past. Mr. Charrington tells him that it used to be a church at one time. St. Clements Dane its name was. Then the shop owner starts to sing a little rhyme from his childhood about churches. After a few lines he stops because his memory fails him. He desperately tries to remember it and keeps trying to finish the song. Lingering, Winston talked to Mr. Charrington some more, not wanting to leave just yet. All that time the half-remembered rhyme kept running through Winstons head and he even got the illusion of actually hearing the bells of the churches. The bells from a London that belonged to the forgotten past. Again a sense of nostalgia came over Winston. The curious thing was that as far as Winston could remember he had never in real life heard church bells ringing.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

King Lear - Analyzing A Tragic Hero Essays - King Lear,

King Lear - Analyzing a Tragic Hero Tragedy is defined in Websters New Collegiate Dictionary as: 1) a medieval narrative poem or tale typically describing the downfall of a great man, 2) a serious drama typically describing a conflict between the protagonist and a superior force (as destiny) and having a sorrowful or disastrous conclusion that excites pity or terror. The play of King Lear is one of William Shakespears great tragic pieces, it is not only seen as a tragedy in itself, but also a play that includes two tragic heroes and four villains. I felt that a tragic hero must not be all good or all bad, but just by misfortune he is deprived of something very valuable to him by error of judgment. We must be able to identify ourselves with the tragic hero if he is to inspire fear, for we must feel that what happens to him could happen to us. If Lear was completely evil, we would not be fearful of what happens to him: he would merely be repulsive. But Lear does inspire fear because, like us, he is not completely upright, nor is he completely wicked. He is foolish and arrogant, it is true, but later he is also humble and compassionate. He is wrathful, but at times, patient. Because of his good qualities, we experience pity for him and feel that he does not deserve the severity of his punishment. His actions are not occasioned by any corruption or depravity in him, but by an error in judgment, which, however, does arise from a defect of character. Lear has a "tragic flaw" - egotism. It is his egotism in the first scene that causes him to make his error in judgment - the division of his kingdom and the loss of Cordelia. Throughout the rest of the play, the consequences of this error slowly and steadfastly increase until Lear is destroyed. There must be a change in the life of the tragic hero; he must past from happiness to misery. Lear, as seen in Act I, has everything a man should want - wealth, power, peace, and a state of well-being. Because a tragic character must pass from happiness to misery, he must be seen at the beginning of the play as a happy man, surrounded by good fortune. Then, the disasters that befall him will be unexpected and will be in direct contrast to his previous state. In King Lear the two tragic characters, a king and an earl, are not ordinary men. To have a man who is conspicuous endure suffering brought about because of his own error is striking. The fear aroused for this man is of great importance because of his exalted position. His fall is awesome and overwhelming. When tragedy, as in Lear, happens to two such men, the effect is even greater. To intensify the tragedy of King Lear, Shakespeare has not one but two tragic characters and four villains. As we have seen, the sub-plot - concerning Gloucester, Edmund, and Edgar - augments the main plot. Gloucester undergoes physical and mental torment because he makes the same mistake that Lear does. Like Lear, Gloucester is neither completely good nor completely bad. There is, for instance, a coarseness in the earl, who delights in speaking of his adultery. But he has good qualities as well. He shows, for instance, concern for Kent in the stocks, and he risks his life to help Lear. Gloucester's punishment, his blindness, parallel's Lear's madness. These two tragic stories unfolding at the same time give the play a great eminence. The important element in tragedy is action, not character. It is the deeds of men that bring about their destruction. Lear calls upon the "great gods," Edgar and Kent blame Fortune, and Gloucester says that the gods "kill us for their sport" (IV.i.37). But in reality the calamities that befall both Lear and Gloucester occur because of the actions of these men. Their actions, it is true, grow out of their characters: both are rash, unsuspecting, and vengeful. But the actions themselves are the beginnings of their agony, for these actions start a chain of events that lead to ultimate catastrophe.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Written Case Analysis Essay Example

Written Case Analysis Essay Perdue Farms sought not to just provide quality chicken to their customers, but to exceed their customers expectations. Simply put, the superior quality of their product differentiated their brand from that of any other chicken on the market (Daft, 2010, p. 41). However, as the market grew and competitors also improved the quality of their product the degree to which this differentiated Perdue in the marketplace decreased and it became clear that quality was no longer enough (p. 51). Perdue, recognizing this, put a new focus on customer service by working toward becoming indispensible to the customer by giving them what they want, where and when they want it (p. 51). This lofty goal forces Perdue to perform what is turning out to be a precarious balancing act between productivity and quality and their current organizational structure may be compounding the problem further. Having undergone at least one major organizational shift, Perdue Farms is always seeking ways to improve their overall efficiency and effectiveness. Initially, their extremely vertical hierarchy kept decision making in the hands of topmost management (Daft, 2010, p. 44). Employees were expected to do what the jobs they were assigned and do them well. As the industry grew though so did Perdue Farms. After considerable expansion and a number of acquisitions in the 1980s the company sought to decentralize its operations by creating several business units that would be responsible for their own operations. The resulting inefficiencies caused by duplication and increased administrative costs forced the company to refocus their efforts on efficiency and improving communication throughout the company while still keeping quality as their number one goal. (p. 43) With decentralization employees began to become more involved in decision making process (p. 44). Despite this decentralization, to day Perdue still maintains a very vertical hierarchy in order to maintain absolute control (p. 46) because quality is still their main concern. We will write a custom essay sample on Written Case Analysis specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Written Case Analysis specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Written Case Analysis specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Going to great lengths to produce the highest quality chicken in the exact manner they promise their customers Perdue refuses to outsource any portion of the process. Instead they maintain complete control of the process, from creating their own feed and growing their own stock, to processing and transporting the final product. This ensures that no resources are wasted, nor are shortcuts taken that might compromise the quality of the chicken. (Daft, 2010, pp. 45-46) As the regional and global market for chicken grows however, maintaining these operations becomes inherently more difficult and new issues surface with the increased production. With chicken being the most popular meat in the United States and quickly gaining similar popularity around the world Perdue Farms and other chicken producers are working hard to keep up with demand. The short shelf-life of fresh chicken makes the job of forecasting how many chickens to grow to meet demand 18 months later vital and difficult. Failure to forecast correctly could result in detrimental shortages or overages that may cost Perdue more than just money, but major contracts with vendors. (Daft, 2010, p. 49) Demand is not the only difficulty Perdue is facing however, for as production increases to meet demand so do environmental and safety issues. Increased workloads and demands for absolute efficiency are going to take their toll on workers and increased production is going to ultimately have an impact on the environment. Perdue has, for the most part, maintained a very proactive stance on these issues by creating different committees and processes to improve working conditions and lessen environmental impact. While these programs appear successful and some of the changes have resulted in additional revenue for Perdue, such as selling waste products as manure, the overall costs for these programs have been significant. (Daft, 2010, pp. 46-47) Furthermore, some experts do not feel these measures are enough and are calling for conservation measures that would decrease the number of chickens allowed in a chicken house or force house to close for a period of time each year which could ultim ately decrease production and efficiency at Perdue (pp. 48-49). Beyond any governmental control that might negatively affect Perdue these issues may also negatively impact consumer perception. With environmental and animal activists shouting, stories of inhumane conditions and chicken coop protests littering the headlines (Daft, 2010, p. 46) Perdue has to work hard to maintain their customers trust (p. 49) as this trust is an important part of their new differentiation model (p. 51). Perdues customers have to believe that the chicken they purchase is not only of the highest quality, but trust that it achieved that quality a way that they feel comfortable with. It is only once the customer trusts that what they are purchasing is indeed what they truly want, that the rest falls into place. Unfortunately, as the market grows and Perdue increases production to meet demand the opportunity to lose face with already established customers and potential new ones also increases. Perdues extremely vertical structure puts those at the top of the hierarchy in the decision making roles. While the overall organization is diversified the subdivisions of the company sport tightly vertical hierarchies which, according to our text, help keep Perdue in control of every aspect of production. It is this utter need for control that may derail Perdues efforts. While a very vertical hierarchy worked well for Perdue when it was a smaller company, many things about the company and its external environments have changed. Initially, workers were unskilled and ill-educated. That is changing as those in management hold degrees and Perdue offers educational opportunities to its employees. Also, as mentioned before, Perdue can no longer compete only on the premise of quality, but must differentiate the brand in another way and thus change their practices to best exemplify these new goals. Because Perdue wishes to distinguish itself from its competitors based on exceptional customer service they must create a differentiation strategy (Daft, 2010, p. 67). As noted earlier, Perdue wishes to become so easy to do business with that their customers would simply have no reason to go elsewhere. They further explain how they are going to do this by stating that they wish to be indispensible to the customer providing what they need, when and where they need it. (p. 51) To do this Perdue must be able to forecast what their customers want and when they will want them, then get them to the location they need them at in a timely manner. According to Richard Daft this type of innovation requires creative employees (p. 68) working in a flexible environment that encourages learning and discovery (p. 73). Perdues current vertical structure may stifle the fluidity necessary to allow for this innovation. While a more chaotic organizational type would not likely be a good fit for Perdue o verall, adapting the appropriate subdivisions into a more fluid mechanism with a flatter hierarchy would likely improve communication, creativity, and flexibility (p. 31) all of which would better support Perdues new goal set. Implementing this flatter hierarchy, but to a lesser extent, throughout the company could also go a long way in further improving working conditions without increasing the already high costs. While management and researchers may mean well when they look and how processes can be improved for safety or efficiency reasons, they do not always have all of the data since they do not work in those positions. It is the actual worker who performs these tasks daily that has the greatest understanding of their function and, when empowered to do so, a likely candidate to offer innovative solutions to current problems (Daft, 2010, p. 34). As suggested by Daft, employees must be rewarded for their creativity and risk-taking (p. 72) rather than simply expected to continue to do only what they are told. Rather they should be encouraged to search for solutions to the problems they encounter each day. Furthermore, to help keep Perdue competitive and better support their differentiation strategy they should consider building relationships outside of their customers such as Wyeth Pharmaceuticals did with Accenture (Daft, 2010, p. 89). This type of relationship would allow Perdue to focus on what it knows how to do best, produce quality chickens, while allowing another company to use its talents and resources to improve Perdues efficiency in areas they may not be as comfortable in. However, because Perdue is steadfast about maintaining control of every aspect of production this would be a difficult move that would require a great amount of trust in any company they decided to work with. Therefore, selecting those areas that do not directly relate to production would be the most feasible such as research and development regarding environmental impact, employee education and benefits, and administrative functions. These steps would create a more flexible and fluid company. This flexibility would serve Perdue well and make it easier for them to change proactivity with the growing market. This ability to change and adapt is an absolute necessity for Perdue given the growing competitiveness of the market and their new focus on customer service. Without these changes, Perdues undying focus on quality could potentially become lost as their drive to keep up with market demands increases. By creating a more collaborative and innovative environment now while their focus is still clear they will be able to better maneuver to achieve their goals while still maintaining the values instilled by their founder, Arthur W. Perdue.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

I Dont Want to Do My Essay! What Should I Do

I Dont Want to Do My Essay! What Should I Do I Dont Want to Do My Essay! What Should I Do? Quite often there are certain challenges that people face in life and at every level of it. Students are always affected in one way or another. This is seen when assignments are given of different kinds and most probably those that involve writing and research. The essay is the most convenient way to impart certain skills into students, skills that they will use later in life. However many students dread writing the essay and other papers based on it. There are several types of essays that students are always required to write within their learning period. These essays have different levels of difficulty and needs, and students are supposed to see that these are met in all ways. But since most of the students do not have the capacity to achieve these, they have to seek help from other sources. It is by this that academic help centers and agencies were established to help students go about their academic chores. Students are humans and thus possess different strengths and weaknesses. This means that students experience these difficulties in writing at different stages of the process. For instance writing essays has different steps involved but tend to differ from one essay type to the next. Whereas some students might get stuck at the topic some get stuck at the research and then writing the entire essay. But with the dawn of essay help sites, students have the choice or rather the privilege of choosing whether to get help or not. These academic solutions centers specialize in different types of essays or academic works or sometimes offer a range of these. It is the thus the duty of the student to choose where to get the help from. Students have diverse problems and thus to solve all of their problems completely a different approach is required. This saw the academic solutions come up with the concept of custom services where every student is assisted individually. Student thus make requests or in some cases orders to these centers and they get their papers done for them at a cost. Many students have testified to the efficacy and proficiency of these sites and agencies. This is because most of these agencies have highly skilled and experienced writers with vast knowledge in different areas of writing and the academic scope. Academic writing sites are growing as there are more and more students who subscribe to the services. The competition in the academic word has forced all students to seek professional help at all levels. In conclusion, there are times when students get helpless and the only way to get out of the situation is to get professional help from recognized essay writing centers. Are you worried about: Who can do my essay for me? Just try our custom essay writing service which works with professional academic writers only.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

What do you think two essays have in common Assignment

What do you think two essays have in common - Assignment Example Neuroscience, the New Philosophy article engages readers into ascertaining that some people may be convicted of crimes that they neither did not know nor are they knowledgeable of the people who undertook them. The following study evaluates and establishes the similarities between the two articles on neuroscience and its flaws as depicted in John Reid’s interrogation practices. John Reid exposed Parker to a series of questions concerning his wife’s murder case. During the interview, Reid focused on ensuring that Parker conformed to his demands that he was indeed behind his wife’s execution. The study indicates that Parker was honest to explain how he found his wife lying dead on the bed as he went home from his workplace. According to Ramachandran, â€Å"the society abides to the Freudian theory while addressing psychiatry issues and in major cases, people base their arguments on unrealistic judgment†. Through Reid’s determination and confidence that he would eventually incriminate Parker towards his wife’s murder, the controversial article on neuroscience asserts on the societal changes and technological improvements that people use to argue upon the occurrence of something as true while reducing the use of manual judgments. The two articles indicate similarities concerning the function of the human brain, and the assump tions of the society concerning the actions of transmitters and reactors in the brain (39). A sensory machine attached to the suspect indicated that he was giving factual answers concerning his wife’s murder. Despite the honesty, Reid revealed dissatisfaction to the answers and warned Parker that he was lying against telling the truth. According to the Neuroscience, the New Philosophy article, the human mind is vulnerable to temptations and people are capable of agreeing to certain demands whenever they are incapable of finding actual answers concerning the situations in question (34).

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Online entertainment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Online entertainment - Research Paper Example Rather, the following analysis will explore, discuss, review, and evaluate some of the major trends, segmentation, business models, business practices, as well as perspective challenges that face the online entertainment segment. Seeking to analyze online entertainment as such would necessarily be a monolithic task which could consume the space of several dissertations. However, for purposes of this analysis, three of the major players within online entertainment will be discussed and analyzed. These players are as follows: Netflix, YouTube, Apple TV, and Blizzard Software’s World of Warcraft. Through such a level of discussion, it is the hope of this author that the reader will be able to come away with a more informed and actionable level of understanding with regards to some of the best practices and constraints that defined the way in which online entertainment is presented to the end consumer. ... As half the years have noted, a dynamic shift has taken place and individuals are no longer as willing to go to the movie theater or to view television shows in their traditional format; through regular broadcast (Graham, 2012). Taking advantage of this industry shipped, Netflix is able to edit the original format; removing a litany of advertisements that had previously helped to pay for the respective entertainment’s production costs, and replace this via standardized monthly subscription fee (Vance, 2013). Although an entire section will be devoted within this analysis to key challenges facing the Netflix level of service provision, it must be noted within this introductory level of approach that Netflix has recently been faced with a series of difficulties negotiating the level of fees with both the primary service providers and the end consumer (with respect to the actual amount of money which they charge for the service). However, due to the name recognition and previous levels of consumer utility that Netflix was able to provide, it appears as if the cost structure difficulties that were faced previously will be weathered by the firm without severe loss of income (LaPorte, 2013). YouTube Overview Since its inception in 2005, YouTube has experienced a meteoric rise to prominence and has become a global leader in online entertainment. Conceived originally as an effective means of storing and sharing media content, YouTube now represents over 10% of global Internet traffic. However, regardless of its overall level of success, YouTube shares a very different business model as compared to Netflix, which has briefly been discussed above (Kelley et al., 2012). Whereas Netflix seeks to reduce and outright removed the many advertising spots and

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Recruiting plan for human resource Research Paper - 1

Recruiting plan for human resource - Research Paper Example ABC Ltd. is in expansion mode. The company has very recently set up a new zonal office in California. In order to backup the expansion strategy of the company additional manpower is required. Such circumstances have generated demand for manpower. Initially the company had the provision for one sales administrative assistant. But now the company has provision for one more sales administrative assistant. The office in CA has been opened very recently. Hence it would take round about one month or so make the plans and procedures operational. Therefore the recruitment is planned to be conducted for 20 days. The ten days have been kept as provision for certain contingencies that may occur. As far as training is concerned the company looking to recruit experienced candidates and hence on job training will be provided. The initial phase of the recruitment and selection procedure would be initiated by inviting application from the prospective applicants to create an applicant pool. This process would continue for one week. The sources of the applications are internal database, newspapers (print media), job portals, professional social networking sites and references. References made by the employees if gets converted successfully in the form of selection the employees making the references would be rewarded. Once the application bank is ready the HR department would conduct a screening. The screening would be conducted for three days. Based on the screening the shortlisted candidates would be interviewed telephonically. Candidates selected through the telephonic interview would be appearing for a face to face interview and excel test. The scores of the test and the face to face to face interview would be provided cumulatively. Recruitment is the process of drawing, screening and screening applicants. The stages of an ideal recruitment process involve analyzing the job, sourcing. The beginning point of the recruitment process is the job

Friday, November 15, 2019

Character Analysis Of Hamlet

Character Analysis Of Hamlet Hamlet is very brave in that he does not fear a challenge. Hamlet at times can prove to be very cautious, at times he thinks when he should act, however when you are king there can be advisors for such matters. Beware Of entrance to a quarrel; but being in, Beart that the opposed may beware of thee. Give every man thy ear, but few thy voice; Take each mans censure, but reserve thy judgment. Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy, But not expressd in fancy; rich, not gaudy; For the apparel oft proclaims the man. (William Shakespeare, Hamlet, Act 1 Scene 3) Many times in history leaders should have thought, when instead they acted on impulse, for example Odysseus, from The Odyssey when he and his men escaped the island of the Cyclops instead of tucking his tail and being happy with his slight victory after taking numerous loses, he instead taunted the Cyclops and brought harm near his crew and to himself. For Odysseus did not know that the father of this monster was the water god Poseid on. Odysseus like all heroes, his main downfall was hubris, and because Hamlet thinks so before he acts he avoids mistakes like this adding to his attributes as a good leader. He can also be as brave as Hercules, for instance when he travels to see the Ghost of his father for the first time, he could have sunk back and ran from the very sight of it, but instead he ran after it and confronted the Ghost and demanded answers. He did not fear what he could not understand as his companions that accompanied him did, instead he was assertive and got to the bottom of the matter. Another account when Hamlet showed quick thinking and bravery was when he intercepted a letter from his Uncle Claudius to the King of England ordering the death of Hamlet on his arrival to England, instead of running and hiding Hamlet used his wits and changed the letter from his head to be had to that of his deliverers. Then in a challenge of swords by Laretes, known to be one of the very best swordsman in his land , Hamlet does not back down. Hamlet takes the challenge head on proving his worth in battle. The fact that Hamlet is his fathers son is very important, he was there behind his father always watching and observing how a king did and should behave, he saw his fathers bravery and his mistakes and Hamlet could use all these experiences to make himself a better king even better than his father. He is of a bloodline of kings, a tradition that is to be kept and Hamlet would have been next in line. The job of taking the throne was in his blood when he assumed the responsibility, ready or not he would have known what to do. There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. (William Shakespeare, Hamlet, Act 2 scene 2) Hamlet portrayed loyalty to his country his father and his mother. He even showed love and loyalty to his mother after he found out the role she took part in aiding Claudius to take the life of her first husband, the king and take the throne and her bed. She knowingly lay in bed with the man that killed her husband the king and Hamlet still loved and forgave her. He became angry with her at times but his loyalty was not shaken. He showed an immense amount of loyalty to one person unwaveringly throughout the play, Horatio. Horatio was Hamlets confidant and best friend throughout much of the play Horatio was the only person that Hamlet could truly trust. Horatio was the only man that did not play pawn to the king in an attempt to change and alter the feelings of Hamlet in the matters of his fathers death and his new uncle-father-in-law. Hamlets ultimate allegiance lied with his father, his father asked Hamlet to avenge his death by any means necessary and if it meant to slander his nam e or the name of his family so be, it or if it ultimately meant death then he shied away from that neither. Neither a borrower nor a lender be; For loan oft loses both itself and friend, And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry. This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man. (William Shakespeare, Hamlet, Act 1 scene 1) Hamlet attended the University of Wittenberg and he was not there just as a noble trophy he learned and he was a highly educated man. Throughout much of the play Hamlet is drunk with anger, vengeance and sorrow, and these emotions clouded his mind and altered his actions. While Hamlet was not himself at times and he would say things that many thought off the wall or out of the ordinary, his next words could make complete sense and be beautifully stated. Hamlet showed his intelligence by expressing his thoughts and feelings on complex ideas such as; life and death, humanity, human nature, and light and dark. To be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer. The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep: No more; and by a sleep to say we end The heartache and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to,t is a consummation Devoutly to be wishd. To die, to sleep; To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, theres the rub: For in that sleep of death what dreams may come, When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause: theres the respect That makes calamity of so long life; For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, The oppressors wrong, the proud mans contumely, The pangs of despised love, the laws delay, The insolence of office and the spurns That patient merit of the unworthy takes, When he himself might his quietus make With a bare bodkin? who would fardels bear, To grunt and sweat under a weary life, But that the dread of something after death, The undiscoverd country from whose bourn No travel er returns, puzzles the will And makes us rather bear those ills we have Than fly to others that we know not of? Thus conscience does make cowards of us all; And thus the native hue of resolution Is sicklied oer with the pale cast of thought, And enterprises of great pith and moment With this regard their currents turn awry, And lose the name of action. (William Shakespeare, Hamlet, Act 3 scene 1) Hamlet loves his country and in return his country loves him, he would without a doubt have the faith and respect of his country. Respect, a very important aspect to a relationship, every relationship that is to work must have respect. The love shown to him by his country may very well have kept Hamlet alive throughout much of the play. In the play before his fathers death everyone in Denmark wanted to be with or more like Hamlet, he was a national icon. After the death of Hamlets father the nation wept for him and showed him pity, for they loved their prince. In the prince was the faith of the people. Claudius became the king through the act of treason, killed his brother and committed other crimes like incest that would question his ability to serve as a good king. That does not mean he is incapable of serving as a true leader but there is evidence that he may be prone to corruption. Claudius had the desire to be king and he had some of the basic traits of a good leader but that was not enough to get him through. Claudius like Macbeth suffers from similar evils, they kill the king to become king and the only thing that becomes of their advancement is lies, murder and destruction. They are not able to even enjoy their spoils because the unsolved murder looms over their heads and rains down upon them a shower of lies and blood that haunt their dreams. Shakespeare follows a trend in his plays there is a pot stirrer in each of the plays in Macbeth it was Macduff, always from the start questioning Macbeths loyalty and kingship, and then in Hamlet it was the Prince Hamlet that would no t let the issue of the murder of his father leave the forefront of Claudius mind leaving him forever unsettled. When sorrows come, they come not single spies, but in battalions. (William Shakespeare, Hamlet, Claudius, Scene V) In comparison to Hamlet, Odysseus is clearly a hero, especially when he faces moral dilemmas and chooses not to fall prey to his temptations. He makes decisions that would characterize him as a hero when he chooses hardship and death with his family. My lady goddess, here is no cause for anger. My quiet Penelope-how well I know- Would seem a shade before your majesty, Death and old age being unknown to you, While she must die. Yet, it is true, each day I long for home, long for the sight of home. If any god has marked me out again For shipwreck, my tough heart can undergo it. What hardship have I not long since endured At sea, in battle! Let the trial come. The question that presents itself is, is Odysseus a good leader or a good king in Odysseus case they work separately. Odysseus is a ruler of his lands but he is never there to rule his lands or his people. He instead embarked on quests to gain glory and honor, these were self-fulfilling ambitions. A kings stead is in his people, a king must be self-less and but his peoples best interest before his own if he wished to be a good king. He was not out fighting for his people, his land or his family but he was seeking glory, a goal that solely benefitted him. Odysseus was not present, not meaning that he did not care, or at times he wanted to return more than anything but it was simple, he was not present to rule, not making him an ideal king. As Odysseuss rule as a leader of his crew of men, he had their utmost respect and they trusted him and served him above all to the death. Odysseus put his men before himself in certain situations but at other times he used his men as mere pawns to reach his goal. For instance when Odysseus returned home and found the suitors battling for his wifes heart, instead of taking action and taking back his home and family he played with them and toyed with them as if he played a game chess. Macbeth above all else showed a burning desire to be king, so strong was his desire that he would kill for it. If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me. (Macbeth, Act I, Scene 3) Aside from this Macbeth was a liar a murderer and a dark cloud of his actions followed him wherever he went. Macbeth was lost to a spiral out of control of his actions, lies compounded more lies and to cover his tracks he had to kill and to cover that up he had to lie and kill another until the process needed to be repeated, never ending.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Greatest Lessons In Live (Values Essay) -- essays research papers

The Greatest Lesson in Life The Merriam Webster's dictionary has many different definitions for the meaning of the word love. It can be defined as a strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties, affection based on sexual desire, or affection based on admiration, benevolence, and/or common interests. To love and be loved is cherished greatly among my family. From the day that I was born I was granted with unconditional love by my family. These people that surrounded me with this love have taught me not only to love them, but myself and hopefully a special someone in the future as well. My family is composed of people who are extremely close knit. After all this time, I have come to learn that family is one of the most important accessories in the package of life. I have been put in many different situations with my family, whether or not they are good or bad, we always seem to get through them together. I guess one could say that I look at my family as a team. As I talk about how close knit my family is, I am not just referring to my immediate family, which is composed of my mother, father and two sisters. Here, I am referring to my entire family; Grandmothers, Grandfathers, Aunts, Uncles and my many Cousins. The most significant idea that has been imbedded in my head is that no matter what may come of life, I will always have my family to turn to in the end. I value my family greatly; we count on each other and help each other out in any case. Th...

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Dehumanization in All Quiet on the Western Front Essay

In All Quiet on the Western Front by Enrique Maria Remarque, the reader follows Paul Baumer as he fights through World War I and discovers the trials of being a soldier. As they survive through the war with each other, Paul and the other soldiers began to understand certain realities of life. Going into the battlefield teenagers, the soldiers come out as old men, burdened with their experiences. The war, meant to glorify Germany and turn its men into heroes, deadens and dehumanizes Paul and the other soldiers until they can’t recognize themselves. As soldiers, Paul and his friends are treated with little care. Their superiors act as if they are animals, replaceable and expendable because there are so many of them, and they hold so little power by themselves. Although only teenagers, these soldiers have had to grow up quickly in order to fight for their apparently insignificant lives. It is said that â€Å"[they] are the Iron Youth† (21). By describing the soldiers as â€Å"Iron,† Paul expresses how much the war has changed them. Iron, which can be interpreted both literally and figuratively, is a strong metal that covers a lot of the Earth as well as residing in its core. Therefore, with the soldiers described as â€Å"iron†, they are referred to as replaceable, expendable, and abundant in numbers. Also, â€Å"iron† can be used to describe someone who is determined, tough, and strong, showing how much these 19 year old soldiers have had to grow up in order to stay alive in the war. They lost their childhood, aging into old men because of the devastation and experiences they’ve encountered. And slowly, as their childhood goes, their humanity and liveliness leaves as well. The more the soldiers are treated like cattle, disposable and soulless, the faster they regress. Remarque often uses beast imagery to describe the soldiers at war, showing their relapse into animals while on the battlefield. We have become wild beasts. We do not fight, we defend ourselves against annihilation. It is not against men that we fling our bombs, what we do know of men in this moment in which death is hunting us down†¦ we can destroy and kill, to save ourselves, to save ourselves and be revenged (73). By using beast imagery, Remarque shows how the emotions of he soldiers are stripped away until they are only left with the instinct to do anything to stay alive. They fight not against other men, but other beasts as well, for deep down, all soldiers are the same, fighting for their comrades and for themselves instead of for their country. Just as men do beasts, Death â€Å"hunts† the soldiers on the battlefield, chasing after them as they become animals: replaceable, expendable, and superfluous. While the individual soldier is extraneous, many men make up the armies that fight wars. Most often, Remarque describes how these many soldiers change mentally because of the war; by describing how these men physically come together to form a fighting company, Remarque shows just how much the war has changed them. Farther on, the mist ends. Here the heads become figures; coats, trousers, and boots appear out of mist as from a milky pool. They become a column†¦. individuals are no longer recognizable†¦. a column – not men at all (57). The â€Å"column† that Remarque uses to describe the soldiers shows how they are the support that holds the military up. Without the columns of soldiers, the lieutenants, generals, and other leaders in the army would be insignificant because they would have no inferiors and not enough men to fight a war. The â€Å"individual† soldier is irrelevant, too. He has no power on his own, because men do not fight wars. Armies do. When one soldier falls, another takes his place without second thought, as if an automaton or a well-trained dog. They follow orders without questions, and eventually the soldier can no longer comprehend the man he used to be before the war, because they have lost all personality and individuality. They have become blank, same, and dehumanized, more beastly with every day at the front. By the end of the war, the soldiers that returned to Germany are unrecognizable. They have fought like animals, run from Death, and seen so many horrors. While they went to war to be heroes, to fight for their country, the soldiers came back broken and empty, only shells of their former selves. They have regressed slowly, losing the will to live, and changing until they can’t recognize themselves.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Emerson essays

Emerson essays My life should be unique; it should be an alms, a battle, a conquest, a medicine. Two years ago this December, I began taking bag lunches to downtown Charlotte to aid homeless people. I was inspired after participating in an activity called Room in the Inn. The Room in the Inn provides a place for those who do not have homes to sleep, or a warm meal for an evening. I was not only shocked after participating in such an event, I was ashamed of myself. I was ashamed that I could have ever been so ignorant not to notice these types of people before, but furthermore, I was ashamed that I took every simple luxury I possessed for granted. I learned that the soup kitchen located in the city did not provide sufficient service to those that needed food and a place to say. This was extremely disheartening. Charlotte, just the one year before had been voted the Third most unfriendly city to homeless. At the time, I was two years less mature and needless to say, I was naive. My idea of service was to begin a valiant conquest to make an enormous difference in a huge area. As I began to take action, I started over a vast area of city, and tried to help hundreds of people. In reality, the affect I was making was miniscule. As time passed, and my thoughts of service evolved, so did my approach. I realized that the only way to help was to start from the inside and work my way out. So I started working on a much smaller, more personal level. I actually took the time to get to know those I was attempting to help, and develop personal relationships. I took down far less food and allowed myself to spend more time in a certain area, to become recognized, and hopefully even accepted. This, in retrospect, was the most intelligent thing I have ever done. It is also the most rewarding thing I have ever done. I learned more valuable lessons from those I met on the streets than I could ever ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

A poster from the movie The Graduate follows a general formulaic pattern in its presentation Essays

A poster from the movie The Graduate follows a general formulaic pattern in its presentation Essays A poster from the movie The Graduate follows a general formulaic pattern in its presentation Essay A poster from the movie The Graduate follows a general formulaic pattern in its presentation Essay Essay Topic: General In an argument, there are many types of tools used to evoke the audience to conviction and then to action. As a society, the importance of communicating a thought or idea to an audience has motivated different methods of arguments that can be expressed in written words, speech or pictures. Movie posters are a great example of the type of propaganda or arguments that the media uses today in order to promote a particular movie. A poster from the movie The Graduate follows a general formulaic pattern in its presentation, namely by presenting the facts of the movie, toying with the emotions of the on-looker, and challenging the values of society as a whole. The general argument of a movie poster is to convey the facts of the movie through the characters in the picture. This can be done by showing what they are doing or simply stating the title it is the posters statement and proof. In The Graduate poster, the main character is Dustin Hoffman, who plays the leading role as Ben Braddock. The only other character is a womans bare leg save the sheer pantyhose, which she is either putting on or taking off. This picture immediately grabs the audiences attention and presents the argument that this movie is about the experiences of one man, Braddock, and that the general theme of the movie has a sexual connotation. The title seems to at first confuse the on-looker because of its incongruity with the picture. It entices the audience to ask questions. Is the character graduating to a higher level of sexuality? Is he a recent graduate of school or the task he was motivated to complete? In the end, the audience leaves with the knowledge of who is involved in the movie and what it is possibly going to be about. Another benefit a movie poster has for an argument is its emotional appeal and response. The Graduate manages to do this in a shocking way. In the book, everythings an argument, the author says, If writers can use words to rouse readers to specific feelings, they might also move them to sympathize with ideas associated with those feelings, and even to act on them (Lunsford, 50). This view can be the same when considering pictures or paintings. The most famous scene from The Graduate is with Braddock (Hoffman) standing in a room, dressed, with his hands buried in his pockets and staring at a womans sexy leg. The expressions on his face and in his posture are uncertainty, vulnerability, and insecurity, which make the audience wonder who and what type of woman has this effect on him. All of these emotions are given to the on-looker and thus gives a sense of curiosity not only to see what his reaction in this scene will be, but most importantly, who is the leg? As a result, these feeling s can certainly lead to conviction and then action. Movie posters can also use the method of a value argument in the artwork. The Graduate accomplishes this simply from the time period that it was released. In 1967 the values of society were changing rapidly, and the ideas of conflict and controversy were an everyday occurrence. A bare leg exudes a level of confidence and control the woman has over Ben (Hoffman), giving the idea and values of sexual independence and freedom which was especially prevalent at this time. However, on the other end of the spectrum, the poster not only highlights the values of sexual freedom but also uncloaks the disgust, by some, of sexual promiscuity and immorality. Consequently, while this poster invigorates some, it offends others. The ability to understand different types and methods of arguments can be expressed and explained through cultural works of art, like movie posters. Additionally, using arguments of fact, emotion, and value can serve as a foundation for conviction and action both favorable and unfavorable to its cause.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

MANAGEMENT PSYCHOLOGY- Drawing on theories and debates introduced in Essay

MANAGEMENT PSYCHOLOGY- Drawing on theories and debates introduced in the module carefully study the photograph provided below an - Essay Example There are many important reasons why the two subjects in the picture act the way they do. Here in this image is a particular situation which requires meaningful understanding. Motive is a very important point in this image. In the first place, one would eventually want to find out why the woman and that somebody else act the way they do. A woman was spreading her legs wide open in front of another woman who is wearing a white suite. This would give us an idea that the setting must have taken place somewhere inside a medical clinic or a hospital. The woman in suite might be a doctor attending to her patient who is waiting to be checked. This scenario would be enough for us to understand the act, scene, agent, agency and purpose, Burke’s idea of a Pentad that would truly lead us to understanding about the motives of the actors involved within the stated actual scenario and he definitely made a point of making it easy for us to understand the actual motive. The image could also b e a depiction of how we could understand the actual behavior in an organisation particularly the actual purpose of a precise action. It is relevant to ask the necessary information or ideas that are tantamount to understanding why a specified act was performed, and the Pentad makes it easy for us to understand the main point. ... On the part of the management, knowing the exact motives of the human resource is an advantage because this could be a way to inform them of the ultimate move to do to maximise the achievement of organisational goals. For this reason, there are varying theories in psychology that try to explicate the different approaches to motivation applied in the context of an organisation. There are many important points that one should understand why an individual would have the motivation to do something, and Burke’s Pentad is an essential tool to support the following approaches to understanding motives. Instincts drive motives There is a theory of instinct approach by which it assumes that some motivating factors are biologically determined and are essential to survival (Pastorino and Portillo, 2011, p.308; Nevid, 2008, p.284). This means that hunger or thirst might be explained as a response to an instinct for survival. This would also mean that to have sex is an essential response to an instinct for reproduction. Based on the image, the woman seeing her gyneacologist and acording to the theory of instinct in understanding motives could therefore be a specific response to an instinct for both survival or reproduction. The reason that it could be for survival is due to the point how the woman might ensure a good health. The woman having her medical check up could be a way of getting rid of harmful diseases common among woman. This could also be due to the ongoing process of treatment, which allows the doctor to give diagnosis and treatment, all for the advantage of the patient to have a longer life. This picture from the point of view of

Friday, November 1, 2019

English - School Lunches Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

English - School Lunches - Research Paper Example As the school bell rings for lunch, children rush to the canteen to fill their hungry stomachs. Most schools have a menu from which children can select for their lunch. The lunch time for the kids is a time not only to energize themselves but also to sit with their friends and have a good time. However though, there are certain concerns which are going unnoticed by the school authorities. Concerns A lot of teachers have noticed a tired set of students attending the classes which are conducted after lunch. The reason for tiresome students has been the food they consume. Most schools though are not able to provide healthy food to the students. This has been a problem for most of the schools. In most schools, the menu for lunch reads a list of junk foods which is wrong. Looking at the menu, children have no other option but to consume them. The school authorities should take responsibilities and stop selling junk foods. One of the main reasons why junk food should be stopped is it affec ts the health of the children a lot. It is the major reason for child obesity. To be unfit and obese at a young age is a concern. Survey has shown that 32% of the youngsters are obese. One can accept the fact that such food is sold outside to earn money but it is unacceptable when such food is sold in schools. Due of the lack of fresh foods and healthy foods, students buy cheap junk foods. Pizzas, pastas, chips, cookies and burgers form the main menu in school lunches. Consumption of these means a lot of sugar is consumed by the children. School lunches have a high level of sugar content in them. Healthier food would mean that the obesity rate is reduced. Another reason why cafeterias should not serve junk food is that it keeps the energy levels of the children low. High energized food shall help the children to maintain good focus and participate in sports as well. Lunch is the most important since it falls in the middle of the day. Consuming junk food will extracts all the energy and reduces the physical activity. One cannot perform to their potential if they do not have enough energy. In one of the schools, children complained of less stamina while practicing soccer. When the coach investigated in their diet, he found out that most of them had a packet of chips and soda before practice. He advised them not to consume fried and fatty foods before exercising since it consumes most of the energy from the body. Studies have shown that the most commonly food consumed by children is cookies, candy, cakes and ice cream. This is also the reason for children losing energy during their noon classes. He stressed on the importance of consuming healthy and natural food which give energy to our bodies. Despite schools imparting knowledge to the children on how to remain healthy, sometimes they miss out on providing healthy food to them. The authorities should notice this and make sure that children are provided good food. Quality Most of the science classes teach the chi ldren that good food is the secret of a healthy life. However though, the same is not followed in schools. Authorities take a lot of effort to make sure that children get tasty food, but they miss out on the quality. In an era where health has been given primary importance, schools have neglected that. Parents have complained that their children are suffering from illness frequently and their immune systems have gone down. An inspection conducted by the officials brought a

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Globalization inevitably leads to a homogenous 'world' culture and the Essay

Globalization inevitably leads to a homogenous 'world' culture and the erasure of local richness. Discuss using a variety of examples from your research into cu - Essay Example external manifestations of globalization which have been the focus of criticism are (a) cultural imperialism (b) Americanization and (c) McDonaldization. This may be noted specifically in the European countries where the cultural and linguistic diversity of this small geographical area is increasingly being made vulnerable to the dominant influence of American culture and values. Critics of globalization argue that it leads to a homogenization or hybridization of cultures, so that the rich diversity of local culture and traditions may be irretrievably lost. (Nederveen Pieterse 1995; Robertson 1995). The end of the Cold War, symbolized by the disintegration of the Soviet Union has resulted in the emergence of a new global era (Meyer et al 1997, p 174) where the competition between the former super powers is being replaced by a consumer driven social, political and economic scenario. (Freidman, 2000). The bureaucratic, tightly controlled economies of the Cold War era have yielded to free trade. The Berlin wall came down and so did the trade barriers between countries, opening up the doors to technological advancement and an age of communication where the Internet has revolutionized the availability of information, creating a knowledge based economy.(Thurow 2000, p 116). Information is the new mantra that spells success in the modern world .(Shapiro and Varian, 1999). Intellectual capital is important and the use of business worldwide webs spells power. (Lynn 2000; Bernhut 2001). The Internet has been described as â€Å"a decentralized, global medium of communication comprising a global web of linked networks and computers.† (Thurow, 2000, p 116). It enables instant communication across geographical boundaries and thereby has fostered the growth of an era of capitalism and consumerism, where the focus has shifted to economic interests, with political, social and cultural aspects being subordinated to the dominant capitalist trend. This has produced the phenomenon

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Scarlet Gang of Asakusa By Yasunari Kawabata Essay Example for Free

The Scarlet Gang of Asakusa By Yasunari Kawabata Essay INTRODUCTION Yasunari Kawabata June (1899 –1972) was a Japanese writer whose was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1968 for his auxiliary, poetic and ingeniously colored style of writing. No Japanese author had received the award prior to Kawabata. Besides fiction he also worked as a reporter for Mainichi Shimbun of Osaka. The war and the fact that all of Kawabata’s relatives passed away while he was young had a profound impact on his life. Kawabata committed suicide in 1972. Many speculations have been made about his reasons, which include poor health, a likely failed love affair, or the distress caused by the suicide of his friend Yukio Mishima in 1970. HISTORY OF ASAKUSA Asakusa was mostly a city for commercial enjoyment, but it also preserved its local vivacity. It was this mixture of barefaced pleasure and intrinsic worth that fascinated the throngs of people who came to visit Asakusa. It was surely this fusion that was most lamented, subsequent to the 1923 earthquake, however Asakusa regained its former glory and up to its final days, was able to hold on to somewhat of its former appeal. LIFE IN ASAKUSA Primarily the plot circles around The Scarlet Gang, which is a gang formed by some young people in Asakusa, many gangs like these existed in Asakusa at the time, the gang’s various endeavors are narrated in first person, the narrator himself is never identified by Kawabata, the accounts of the gang’s various activities are used to describe life in Asakusa, the narrator   himself wanders around Asakusa and relates the gang’s activities, the primary focus in the book is not the gang itself but rather the account of the narrator, who moves from one place to another following the Scarlet Gang, the narrator also implies that the gang is involved in illegal actions but does not specify the kind of illegal activities. Only a few characters appear throughout the book which are actually related to the gang. Kawabata’s main purpose clearly was to give an account of life in Asakusa, which he manages to accomplish in a very rough yet poetic manner mostly due to his choice of first person narrative. With its corporeal and sexual appeal, Asakusa prospered in every way, Tanizaki writes that Asakusa’s   attractions included â€Å"plays, operettas, comedies, movies from the West and Japanese productions, Douglas Fairbanks and Onoe Matsunosuke acrobats balancing on balls, bareback rider Naniwa bushi singers, chanters, the merry-go-round, the Hanayashiki Amusement Park, the Twelve Story Tower, shooting galleries, whores, Japanese restaurants, Chinese restaurants, and Western restaurants, the Rairaiken, won ton mein, oysters over rice, horsemeat, snapping turtles, eels, and the Cafà © Paulista.† (Donald Richie 2005 ) Asakusa was also famous for its Opera, where at first some opera was actually sung. An early show Rigoletto, and â€Å"La donna à © mobile† became a success with the locals, later however, the shows became more diverse. This rough and unsightly but vivacious and energetic Asakusa was soon after ruined. The 1923 Kanto earthquake destroyed it, as it flattened much of Tokyo and Yokohama. Among the more well-known catastrophe was the destruction of the Asakusa’s, Twelve Story tower also known as the Cloud Surpassing Pavilion, a building which had become the symbol of Asakusa. The old neighborhood was also destroyed, the sense of belonging to a society, that had attracted so many people was also in no way completely regained. Since it was a city of enjoyment, an amusement capital, a city with one of the best night life in the world, however, rebuilding began at once. And now, representing the new Asakusa, instead of the Twelve Story Tower there is the Subway Tower building, with its observation platform. Kawabata writes that all the floors are in the Osaka style, except the top ones as they have been turned into restaurants. (Tokyo essentials 2006) COMPARASION WITH OTHER URBAN CENTRES Throughout the end of the nineteenth century and beginning of the twentieth, Asakusa was the most important pleasure hub of Tokyo. From the 1840s to the 1940s, it was comparable to Montmartre in Paris, and Alexanderplatz in Berlin (Donald Richie. 2005) This region of Osaka was recognized for trade rather than its customs, commonly mourned after the earthquake. â€Å"Why, it’s gotten just like Osaka,† complains a character in one Kawabata story. Writing about The Scarlet Gang of Asakusa, Kataoka Yoshikaze, writing in 1939, illustrates the new Asakusa as that, â€Å"Human market, where the pleasure resort of the Edo period, the vestiges of the crude, semi-enlightened curiosity of the Meiji era, and the over-ripeness . . . of the present era of capitalist corruption, are thrown together in a forever disordered state or organized in a manner peculiarly like the place itself. Eroticism and frivolity and speed and comic-strip humor; the bare legs of dancing girls and jazzy revues; kiss-dances, foreign girls, ground-cherries and popular songs; the movie, the circus, the fake, dilapidated aquarium and insectariums. (Donald Richie 2005) In The Scarlet Gang of Asakusa Kawabata quotes Soeda Azenbo’s fine depiction: â€Å"In Asakusa everything is flung out in the raw. Desires dance naked. All races, all classes, all jumbled together forming a bottomless, endless current, flowing day and night, no beginning, no end†.( Donald Richie 2005). Asakusa was kept alive by all these varied attractions, one of the most well-liked attraction was the cinema, a type of activity early linked with Asakusa for the reason that the first Tokyo movie house, â€Å"the Denkikan†, had opened there in 1903. Kawabata relates that by 1930, Asakusa had fourteen cinemas. He also affirms, however, that it had even more theaters. In the summer of 1930, his assessment calculated half a dozen vaudeville, or yose, halls, one kabuki theater, a large number of pawnshops and beggars in the city, around eight hundred were living in Asakusa Park, although Kawabata did not trust this social estimation and retained that there were a lot more. (Donald Richie 2005) CONCLUSION Life in Asakusa in its golden period is described by Kawabata as one big party, where the primary concern for its citizens and its visitors was entertainment, in its golden period Asakusa was considered one of the biggest entertainment center in the world and every visitor affirmed this fact, a life full of entertainment was considered normal in Asakusa Kawabata writes about Asakusa at its prewar stage. The Scarlet Gang of Asakusa captures the area in its golden period, when hundreds of people came to visit the city, the variety of attractions like theatre, cinema, restaurants, geisha houses made the city a commercial entertainment center. According to Kawabata â€Å"Asakusa is like a specimen in the Bug House, something completely different from today’s world like a remote island or some African village† (Kawabata 2005) WORKS CITED Yasunari Kawabata (2005) The Scarlet Gang of Asakusa .1st edition Published by University of California Press Donald Richie (2005) â€Å"Foreword: The Scarlet Gang of Asakusa by Yasunari Kawabata†. Accessed on 12th November 2006 from : Tokyo Essentials (2006) â€Å" Asakusa† Accessed on 12th November 2006 from: Asakusa

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Attitude Towards War in The Soldier and Anthem for Doomed Youth Essay

Attitude Towards War in The Soldier and Anthem for Doomed Youth The two poems that I will be comparing in this essay are: â€Å"The Soldier† By Rupert Brooke, and â€Å"Anthem for Doomed Youth† By Wilfred Owen. Both of these poems are sonnets and both are written during The First World War. Although both sonnets are set during the same time period and are about the same war, the poets have very contradicting views; these views are expressed in their work. The first poem; â€Å"The Soldier† is focused on the different meanings and aspects of dying for your country in a foreign land, or behind-enemy-lines. In a war as brutal and tragic as the Second World War, the death of a mere soldier is often neglected and cast aside. Therefore, the poet concentrates on not only the physical consequences and effects of his death, but the mental and spiritual ones too. The poet believes that because he is an Englishman he represents a small moving part of England. This leads him to believe that if he dies on the battlefield, the ground on which his corpse decomposes will become a tiny fraction of England. The poet believes that the only purpose of his death is to bless the land he dies on. â€Å"If I should die, think only this of me : That there’s some corner of a foreign field That is for ever England.† This is proof of the poet’s belief that if he is to die away from his homeland he will turn the ground he dies on into a piece of his homeland. This shows that he is patriotic and that even in death he feels he will be doing something to help his country’s cause in the war. In the same stanza the poet goes on the praise the rich and wealthy value his death will bring to the country he dies in. The poet sees England as a super... ...e readers attention. After reading these two poems, I had a very different opinion of war. The references to â€Å"cattle† in the second sonnet and the patriotism in the first particularly helped me to understand war more intelligently. If three-hundred people die in a plane crash, it is seen as a tragedy. If one-million people die in a war, it is seen as a statistic. By understanding the emotions and opinions of people truly affected by combat, you can gain valuable knowledge and insight into the real horrors and atrocities of war. It is often the dream of schoolboys to go to war and fight. If they understood the more horrific and damaging aspects of conflict I am sure that they would not dream for a second, of going to war. That is why I believe these poems are very valuable in the modern world. They are an effective tool in the education of young minds.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Is utilitarianism a useful method of making decisions about abortion Essay

To what extent is utilitarianism a useful method of making decisions about abortion? Utilitarianism is a consequentialist theory that, as suggested, looks at the consequences of the satiation and what the outcome is most likely to be. Therefore, this theory does not uphold the idea that no matter what the situation all life is sacred; it focuses on maximizing happiness for the individual. Some may argue that utilitarianism is useful because the woman is given the choice. This promotes women’s rights as, ultimately, the woman is who will carry the child and primarily care for the child, if not fully care for the child, in the first years of its life. After childbirth, which for some women is an incredibly daunting prospect, many omen suffer from depression and bodily complications. Therefore, some would argue that utilitarianism is a good approach because the woman can make the conscious and rational decisions to either undergo pregnancy or not. Some women may also feel that they are not prepared to be a mother and that it is not fair for them to bring a child into an unhealthy environment where she is struggling. This then means that the theory can be used to prevent an unprepared mother form being forced to have a child, therefore, creating happiness. However, some would disagree with utilitarianism because it allows for a quick fix solution to short term happiness. Christians believe that every child is a gift from the Lord and the bible states that â€Å"man was made in God’s image† – Genesis. Furthermore, every child is a potential life that is there to be cared for a cherished which, if aborted, will never have the opportunity to flourish in society. Some may argue that if the woman is given all the rights over whether the child is aborted or not, the father and the families of the parents may also be heavily affected by the loss of a potential family member, which can lead to depression. In addition, some may agree that utilitarianism is a useful method because it looks at the circumstances of the abortion. Traumatic experiences, including rape or molestation, can all lead to an unwanted and unplanned pregnancy. Utilitarianism allows the situation of the individual to be taken into account and so abortion would be seen as acceptable if the woman has had her rights abused and is, in turn, pregnant. This is because, those that follow the theory can foresee that due to the child being unwanted, the mother may feel hatred towards the child because of the circumstances that she was placed in, also leading to resentment. The mother may also be in an unfit emotional state to properly take care of a child, which is unfair as every child has the right to be loved and looked after by its parents. Furthermore, the greatest happiness is achieved because the woman can then reevaluate her situation and overcome the pain she has been forced to experience, before having a child. Lastly, some would argue against this point because it cannot predict the long-term consequences of abortion. There is no guarantee that if a woman has been raped she will resent and hate her child, and there is no saying that the child may in fact aid her emotional recovery and will be very much loved. There are also physical problems. If a woman has an abortion when she is young, she may try to conceive years later only to find that she is infertile from the abortion that she previously had. An abortion can also be a very traumatic experience than can lead to potential emotional damage and regret. To conclude, these points show both sides of the argument that utilitarianism is a useful approach to abortion, showing that in some cases looking at the situation allows for a slippery slope of acceptability when considering abortion.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Organizational Culture, Business Strategy and HR Practices affect diverse teams‘ performance Essay

The Later Findings: Organizational Culture, Business Strategy and HR Practices affect diverse teams‘ performance Effects of Organizational Culture and Business Strategies Effects of Organizational Culture and Business Strategies Diverse groups show a higher level of performance in a people-oriented culture Educationally diverse groups perform better within a growth-oriented business strategy Educationally diverse groups perform worse within a stability-oriented business strategy Growth-oriented cultures need creativity and innovation, this is provided through a diverse group Diverse work teams need an appropriate work environment (innovative, creative, group ID) Effects of HR Practices Members of diverse groups are generally rewarded higher in stock options within a diversity-oriented HR environment Companies, which manage diversity well are well managed overall Good diversity management is provided through a strong support from the CEO The Expanded, Nuanced Leadership Role 2050 non-whites will be the majority in the USA Specific and practical recommendations for leaders of diverse teams: 1. Be attuned to issues of social category diversity and identity groups Reflecting about the own social identity, about the one of others and the associated reactions to it 2. Keep refining and developing your own emotional and social intelligence Becoming more aware of the own strength and weaknesses, be aware of the own mood and how to manage it. A high level of self-awareness and flexibility are vital for social intelligence. Be aware about your own verbal and non-verbal language and try to manage them well. Be able to adapt to different cultures and gain crucial knowledge about them. 3. Focus on the diversity values of the team, early and often A good performance is provided through an early alignment of vision and values. 4. Create a strong team identity or brand Team leaders need to build the team’s identity and connection to the organization. Shorthand identification, which can be repeated and demonstrated until it becomes accepted and well known. 5. Hone your skills at having tough conversations See conflict as creative tension that can build positive results. 6. Focus on building organizational culture and human resource practices that are needed to translate diversity into positive results Ensure that a suitable work environment, business strategy and HR practices are in place for diverse teams.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

20 Critical Essay Topics What You Need to Know about Human Trafficking

20 Critical Essay Topics What You Need to Know about Human Trafficking A great paper needs a great topic. The topic you choose will show your teacher how well you have understood the assignment. Unfortunately, leaving your assignment till the last moment can be disastrous to your grade. This is especially true if you have to come up with a critical essay on a tricky subject such as human trafficking. If you are having a tough time coming up with appropriate critical essay topics about human trafficking, you have come to the right place. The following lines offer a list of 20 topics related to this subject. There is a handy list of references and source materials at the end which you can use as research material. The Cross-Border Challenges of Dealing with Human Trafficking Issues Faced by Law Enforcement During Human Trafficking Investigation Rehabilitating Victims of Human Trafficking: Ethical and Practical Considerations Human Traffickers and Their Methods of Operating Invisible to The Naked Eye: Hidden Forms of Human Trafficking Understanding the Major Indicators of Human Trafficking Human Trafficking as the Modern-Day Slavery Anti-Human Trafficking Campaigns in Cultural Media The Anonymity of the Internet: A Boon for Human Traffickers The Differences between Human Smuggling and Human Trafficking The Aftermath of War: Women Enslavement and Trafficking Human Trafficking: Influence of Cultural Factors The Exploitation of Humanity: How Human Trafficking Became a $150 Billion Global Industry A Perspective on Clients: Who Buys From Human Traffickers? Armed Conflict Zones are Breeding Grounds for The Illicit Trade of Human Trafficking Philanthropy Engineering: How Advanced Tech Can Help Victims of Human Trafficking How Anti-Money Laundering Efforts Combat Human Trafficking Comparing International Trafficking and Domestic Trafficking The Ideal Victim: Predictors of Human Trafficking Using Children for in Armed Conflicts Since word count requirements vary across the board, we have tried to keep the topics a little generalized. Feel free to narrow them down according to your interests. Remember to limit the scope of your paper to a particular time period, geographical location, a pivotal case, the efforts of a specific humanitarian/aid agency, a specific piece of legislation, the efforts of a specific political figure, or even a documentary. Since we are here to help, here is a sample paper which you can use as an outline for your critical essay. Sample Critical Essay on Trafficking for Organ Trade and Body Parts: The Emergence of a Disturbing Dimension in Human Trafficking Human trafficking is the worst form of abuse that can be inflicted on an individual. The horror of the crime lies in the fact that is negates very humanity of the victims. This modern-day equivalent of slavery continues unabated; the complex nature of the crime makes detecting and controlling it difficult. The most common cases are ones in which human traffickers sexually exploit their victims or force them into hard labor. The less commonly known forms of human trafficking involves an extreme form of cruelty: where the victims are trafficked for organ trade. According to the UN Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking (GIFT), organ trafficking has three basic categories: (1) the victims are somehow deceived or coerced by force to give up the organ; (2) commercial transaction where the victim is not paid or paid less than the promised amount; (3) when the organs are removed without the victim’s knowledge. A report by the European Parliament (EP) states that organ trafficking and trafficking of human beings for organ removal (TBHOR) has become widespread over the span of the past 16 years. Until recently, most of these cases have occurred in Eastern European countries and Russia. However, the implementation of tougher law enforcement rules has decreased the incidence rates in these countries. Unfortunately, traffickers have simply switched tactics and moved onto other regions, such as Latin America and North Africa. These regions suffer from economic and political instability. Under such conditions, human traffickers find the ideal victim pool, i.e. people who are already a part of at-risk sections of society, such as migrant workers, those living below the poverty line, members of highly marginalized groups, homeless people, and illiterate people. The entire process involves a host of people as well as high levels of coordination and organization: the medical professionals who are responsible for the procedure, the middlemen, the buyers, the organ banks where the organs are stored, and transporters who are responsible for the logistics. The recommendations of legislating bodies and humanitarian agencies state that this issue can only be addressed through proper legislation covering all the aspects of the crime and proper implementation of these laws. National laws of each country should have an anti-trafficking policy. An increase in public awareness of organ donation will drive up donation rates, hopefully closing some of the gap between the number of organs needed for transplantation and available organs. EP also recommends that the donor recipient should be held criminally and morally liable. The technical recommendations include improvement of organ traceability systems. Human trafficking is a reality that the public in general needs to realize and react to. More awareness, education, and stronger legal frameworks will allow vulnerable victims to escape the horrors of this experience. This is just a sample that can inspire you to come up with a great critical essay that will win over your instructor. So, make sure that you start working on your paper right away. References: Vienna Forum to Fight Human Trafficking, Technology and Human Trafficking 8 (Background Paper, 2008), Trafficking in Persons for the Purpose of Organ Removal (ASSESSMENT TOOLKIT,2015), European Union, European Parliament. (2015). Trafficking in human organs. Retrieved from Lehti, M. (2003), Trafficking in women and children in Europe, in HEUNI papers, no. 18, Helsinki: HEUNI. Banks, D., and Kyckelhahn, T. (2011). Characteristics of Suspected Human Trafficking Incidents: 2008–2010. U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics. Washington, D.C.: Office of Justice Programs International Organization for Migration. (2012). IOM 2011 Case Data on Human Trafficking: Global Figures Trends. Washington: Polaris Project. (2014). â€Å"The Victims.† Retrieved January 28, 2014, from Polaris Project: For a World without Slavery, overview/the-victims. Bales, K., and Trodd, Z. (2009). Modern Slavery: The Secret World of 27 Million People. Oxford: Oneworld. Palmiotto, M. Combating human trafficking (pp. 30-32).

Monday, October 21, 2019

Admissions Essay -Homeland Security

Self Assesment/Admissions Essay -Homeland Security Free Online Research Papers I have always been intrigued by studying different topics related to Law Enforcement, specifically in the area of Homeland Security. I have taken many courses over the past 19 years relating to or touching the surface on issues surrounding 911 and Homeland Security. I find myself wanting to look deeper into these issues. I am seeking admissions into this program for the following reasons. I want to learn in depth about the issues we have faced as a nation, and the issues we will be faced with in the future regarding Homeland Security. I have been waiting on the right time in my life to start my Master’s Program, and it is finally the right time. I am looking forward to the challenges of research. I would like to continue to advance myself and my career, and a Master’s Degree will assist my endeavor. I am committed to my family, and setting examples for my children to follow. I always push my children to do more, and this is another way to show them there are no limits if you’re willing to give 100%. My background in Law Enforcement will make the transition into this program very smooth for me. I decided to go back to College in 1993 to finish my Bachelors Degree. I finished my degree from Saint Leo University in 1995, graduating with honors (CUM LAUDE). I have taken many courses dealing directly with Homeland Security, and Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD). I am incident Command Certified (ICS), and have taken numerous courses relating to ICS structure. I personally have handled large scale events relating to disasters and security. I have been responsible for several successful presidential escorts. I feel my future contributions relating to Homeland Security center around drug trafficking efforts and training of our Law Enforcement members. I feel many parallels exist between drug trafficking activity and terrorism. Why have we not closed off our borders to drug smuggling? What implications might this have for terrorists or others who may wish to import a Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD) into our country? Has there been a large scale impact on home-grown/manufactured drugs? While there is sure to be debate regarding the answers to these questions, most can agree that drugs remain abundantly available and an important reason our jails are overcrowded. Criminals respond to technology by using any means at their disposal, ranging from low tech mules which sacrifice one, knowing that 9 others will get through. Drug cartels have penetrated foreign governments and corrupted officials worldwide, well-financed terrorists have done the same. It would be naive to think that officials or lower level government personnel in Colombia, Afghanistan, Mexico, and a dozen other countries that may be corrupt, only sell advance information about government operations against drug cartel activity while not selling information about operations against terrorist groups. Policies are bound to fail if they ignore important social forces. Important lessons for the counter-terrorism community may lie in the Governments response to the drug trade and the way the government is organizationally structured to respond to the activities of drug trafficking organizations. Law Enforcement training must include better command, control, and coordination of policy and its funding and implementation (overall program responsibility). The enhanced effectiveness will not come from organizational structure alone. Law Enforcement training must be sensitive to ever-changing social, religious, and political phenomena spanning the globe; must be proactive, not reactive; and must keep abreast of evolving or revolutionary new technologies. One of the main challenges today for Law Enforcement is finding a way to eliminate the illegal activity for terrorist groups. If you can eliminate the illegal activity, you will impact the funding source for these various groups. Illegal drug money funds terrorist organizations and activities. The terrorists point to our willingness to consume these drugs as direct evidence of our society’s moral degeneracy. Law Enforcement needs to be vigilant in its efforts to thwart drug trafficking in the United States. Having a better understanding of Homeland Security and the challenges we face as a nation, will enable me to better understand what lies ahead. The area I am currently responsible for is considered a rural area. I have worked in metropolitan areas in the past, and they pose different challenges than my current assignment. In a rural area there is more opportunity for terrorists to blend into the community. Additionally, there are more opportunities for large scale organizations to set up and run a grow house or lab that would be difficult to detect. I am utilizing aircraft operations to combat some of these issues, as well as focusing on neighborhood watch groups to report suspicious activity. These basic and simple techniques have proven to be successful in combating these types of behavior within our community. The area I currently work in did not have a large scale multi-jurisdictional co-op plan in place prior to 2005. I was instrumental in implementing and writing this plan for the tri-county area. We have a working plan to deal with terrorist threats, natural or manmade disasters, and large scale mobilizations. In Ma y 2001, we experienced a long draught within Dade County. A large scale fire developed, and we had to execute our co-op plan. The 17 day fire detail worked flawlessly. In August 2002 we experienced a tornado in Dade County. Again, we utilized our plan and our efforts proved to be successful. Whether it is a large scale disaster or terrorist threat, I am confident in my ability as a Law Enforcement manager to oversee and collaborate with any agency to make the detail a success. This program will provide me with the resources I need to better understand Homeland Security. I plan to utilize this knowledge to share the information learned with those I command. In conclusion, I would like to thank those on the selection committee for allowing me the opportunity to apply for this program. I look forward to the learning and growing opportunity that this program will offer. Research Papers on Self Assesment/Admissions Essay -Homeland SecurityThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This NiceOpen Architechture a white paperInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andStandardized TestingIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalGenetic EngineeringAppeasement Policy Towards the Outbreak of World War 2