Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Globalization inevitably leads to a homogenous 'world' culture and the Essay

Globalization inevitably leads to a homogenous 'world' culture and the erasure of local richness. Discuss using a variety of examples from your research into cu - Essay Example external manifestations of globalization which have been the focus of criticism are (a) cultural imperialism (b) Americanization and (c) McDonaldization. This may be noted specifically in the European countries where the cultural and linguistic diversity of this small geographical area is increasingly being made vulnerable to the dominant influence of American culture and values. Critics of globalization argue that it leads to a homogenization or hybridization of cultures, so that the rich diversity of local culture and traditions may be irretrievably lost. (Nederveen Pieterse 1995; Robertson 1995). The end of the Cold War, symbolized by the disintegration of the Soviet Union has resulted in the emergence of a new global era (Meyer et al 1997, p 174) where the competition between the former super powers is being replaced by a consumer driven social, political and economic scenario. (Freidman, 2000). The bureaucratic, tightly controlled economies of the Cold War era have yielded to free trade. The Berlin wall came down and so did the trade barriers between countries, opening up the doors to technological advancement and an age of communication where the Internet has revolutionized the availability of information, creating a knowledge based economy.(Thurow 2000, p 116). Information is the new mantra that spells success in the modern world .(Shapiro and Varian, 1999). Intellectual capital is important and the use of business worldwide webs spells power. (Lynn 2000; Bernhut 2001). The Internet has been described as â€Å"a decentralized, global medium of communication comprising a global web of linked networks and computers.† (Thurow, 2000, p 116). It enables instant communication across geographical boundaries and thereby has fostered the growth of an era of capitalism and consumerism, where the focus has shifted to economic interests, with political, social and cultural aspects being subordinated to the dominant capitalist trend. This has produced the phenomenon

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Scarlet Gang of Asakusa By Yasunari Kawabata Essay Example for Free

The Scarlet Gang of Asakusa By Yasunari Kawabata Essay INTRODUCTION Yasunari Kawabata June (1899 –1972) was a Japanese writer whose was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1968 for his auxiliary, poetic and ingeniously colored style of writing. No Japanese author had received the award prior to Kawabata. Besides fiction he also worked as a reporter for Mainichi Shimbun of Osaka. The war and the fact that all of Kawabata’s relatives passed away while he was young had a profound impact on his life. Kawabata committed suicide in 1972. Many speculations have been made about his reasons, which include poor health, a likely failed love affair, or the distress caused by the suicide of his friend Yukio Mishima in 1970. HISTORY OF ASAKUSA Asakusa was mostly a city for commercial enjoyment, but it also preserved its local vivacity. It was this mixture of barefaced pleasure and intrinsic worth that fascinated the throngs of people who came to visit Asakusa. It was surely this fusion that was most lamented, subsequent to the 1923 earthquake, however Asakusa regained its former glory and up to its final days, was able to hold on to somewhat of its former appeal. LIFE IN ASAKUSA Primarily the plot circles around The Scarlet Gang, which is a gang formed by some young people in Asakusa, many gangs like these existed in Asakusa at the time, the gang’s various endeavors are narrated in first person, the narrator himself is never identified by Kawabata, the accounts of the gang’s various activities are used to describe life in Asakusa, the narrator   himself wanders around Asakusa and relates the gang’s activities, the primary focus in the book is not the gang itself but rather the account of the narrator, who moves from one place to another following the Scarlet Gang, the narrator also implies that the gang is involved in illegal actions but does not specify the kind of illegal activities. Only a few characters appear throughout the book which are actually related to the gang. Kawabata’s main purpose clearly was to give an account of life in Asakusa, which he manages to accomplish in a very rough yet poetic manner mostly due to his choice of first person narrative. With its corporeal and sexual appeal, Asakusa prospered in every way, Tanizaki writes that Asakusa’s   attractions included â€Å"plays, operettas, comedies, movies from the West and Japanese productions, Douglas Fairbanks and Onoe Matsunosuke acrobats balancing on balls, bareback rider Naniwa bushi singers, chanters, the merry-go-round, the Hanayashiki Amusement Park, the Twelve Story Tower, shooting galleries, whores, Japanese restaurants, Chinese restaurants, and Western restaurants, the Rairaiken, won ton mein, oysters over rice, horsemeat, snapping turtles, eels, and the Cafà © Paulista.† (Donald Richie 2005 ) Asakusa was also famous for its Opera, where at first some opera was actually sung. An early show Rigoletto, and â€Å"La donna à © mobile† became a success with the locals, later however, the shows became more diverse. This rough and unsightly but vivacious and energetic Asakusa was soon after ruined. The 1923 Kanto earthquake destroyed it, as it flattened much of Tokyo and Yokohama. Among the more well-known catastrophe was the destruction of the Asakusa’s, Twelve Story tower also known as the Cloud Surpassing Pavilion, a building which had become the symbol of Asakusa. The old neighborhood was also destroyed, the sense of belonging to a society, that had attracted so many people was also in no way completely regained. Since it was a city of enjoyment, an amusement capital, a city with one of the best night life in the world, however, rebuilding began at once. And now, representing the new Asakusa, instead of the Twelve Story Tower there is the Subway Tower building, with its observation platform. Kawabata writes that all the floors are in the Osaka style, except the top ones as they have been turned into restaurants. (Tokyo essentials 2006) COMPARASION WITH OTHER URBAN CENTRES Throughout the end of the nineteenth century and beginning of the twentieth, Asakusa was the most important pleasure hub of Tokyo. From the 1840s to the 1940s, it was comparable to Montmartre in Paris, and Alexanderplatz in Berlin (Donald Richie. 2005) This region of Osaka was recognized for trade rather than its customs, commonly mourned after the earthquake. â€Å"Why, it’s gotten just like Osaka,† complains a character in one Kawabata story. Writing about The Scarlet Gang of Asakusa, Kataoka Yoshikaze, writing in 1939, illustrates the new Asakusa as that, â€Å"Human market, where the pleasure resort of the Edo period, the vestiges of the crude, semi-enlightened curiosity of the Meiji era, and the over-ripeness . . . of the present era of capitalist corruption, are thrown together in a forever disordered state or organized in a manner peculiarly like the place itself. Eroticism and frivolity and speed and comic-strip humor; the bare legs of dancing girls and jazzy revues; kiss-dances, foreign girls, ground-cherries and popular songs; the movie, the circus, the fake, dilapidated aquarium and insectariums. (Donald Richie 2005) In The Scarlet Gang of Asakusa Kawabata quotes Soeda Azenbo’s fine depiction: â€Å"In Asakusa everything is flung out in the raw. Desires dance naked. All races, all classes, all jumbled together forming a bottomless, endless current, flowing day and night, no beginning, no end†.( Donald Richie 2005). Asakusa was kept alive by all these varied attractions, one of the most well-liked attraction was the cinema, a type of activity early linked with Asakusa for the reason that the first Tokyo movie house, â€Å"the Denkikan†, had opened there in 1903. Kawabata relates that by 1930, Asakusa had fourteen cinemas. He also affirms, however, that it had even more theaters. In the summer of 1930, his assessment calculated half a dozen vaudeville, or yose, halls, one kabuki theater, a large number of pawnshops and beggars in the city, around eight hundred were living in Asakusa Park, although Kawabata did not trust this social estimation and retained that there were a lot more. (Donald Richie 2005) CONCLUSION Life in Asakusa in its golden period is described by Kawabata as one big party, where the primary concern for its citizens and its visitors was entertainment, in its golden period Asakusa was considered one of the biggest entertainment center in the world and every visitor affirmed this fact, a life full of entertainment was considered normal in Asakusa Kawabata writes about Asakusa at its prewar stage. The Scarlet Gang of Asakusa captures the area in its golden period, when hundreds of people came to visit the city, the variety of attractions like theatre, cinema, restaurants, geisha houses made the city a commercial entertainment center. According to Kawabata â€Å"Asakusa is like a specimen in the Bug House, something completely different from today’s world like a remote island or some African village† (Kawabata 2005) WORKS CITED Yasunari Kawabata (2005) The Scarlet Gang of Asakusa .1st edition Published by University of California Press Donald Richie (2005) â€Å"Foreword: The Scarlet Gang of Asakusa by Yasunari Kawabata†. Accessed on 12th November 2006 from : Tokyo Essentials (2006) â€Å" Asakusa† Accessed on 12th November 2006 from: Asakusa

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Attitude Towards War in The Soldier and Anthem for Doomed Youth Essay

Attitude Towards War in The Soldier and Anthem for Doomed Youth The two poems that I will be comparing in this essay are: â€Å"The Soldier† By Rupert Brooke, and â€Å"Anthem for Doomed Youth† By Wilfred Owen. Both of these poems are sonnets and both are written during The First World War. Although both sonnets are set during the same time period and are about the same war, the poets have very contradicting views; these views are expressed in their work. The first poem; â€Å"The Soldier† is focused on the different meanings and aspects of dying for your country in a foreign land, or behind-enemy-lines. In a war as brutal and tragic as the Second World War, the death of a mere soldier is often neglected and cast aside. Therefore, the poet concentrates on not only the physical consequences and effects of his death, but the mental and spiritual ones too. The poet believes that because he is an Englishman he represents a small moving part of England. This leads him to believe that if he dies on the battlefield, the ground on which his corpse decomposes will become a tiny fraction of England. The poet believes that the only purpose of his death is to bless the land he dies on. â€Å"If I should die, think only this of me : That there’s some corner of a foreign field That is for ever England.† This is proof of the poet’s belief that if he is to die away from his homeland he will turn the ground he dies on into a piece of his homeland. This shows that he is patriotic and that even in death he feels he will be doing something to help his country’s cause in the war. In the same stanza the poet goes on the praise the rich and wealthy value his death will bring to the country he dies in. The poet sees England as a super... ...e readers attention. After reading these two poems, I had a very different opinion of war. The references to â€Å"cattle† in the second sonnet and the patriotism in the first particularly helped me to understand war more intelligently. If three-hundred people die in a plane crash, it is seen as a tragedy. If one-million people die in a war, it is seen as a statistic. By understanding the emotions and opinions of people truly affected by combat, you can gain valuable knowledge and insight into the real horrors and atrocities of war. It is often the dream of schoolboys to go to war and fight. If they understood the more horrific and damaging aspects of conflict I am sure that they would not dream for a second, of going to war. That is why I believe these poems are very valuable in the modern world. They are an effective tool in the education of young minds.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Is utilitarianism a useful method of making decisions about abortion Essay

To what extent is utilitarianism a useful method of making decisions about abortion? Utilitarianism is a consequentialist theory that, as suggested, looks at the consequences of the satiation and what the outcome is most likely to be. Therefore, this theory does not uphold the idea that no matter what the situation all life is sacred; it focuses on maximizing happiness for the individual. Some may argue that utilitarianism is useful because the woman is given the choice. This promotes women’s rights as, ultimately, the woman is who will carry the child and primarily care for the child, if not fully care for the child, in the first years of its life. After childbirth, which for some women is an incredibly daunting prospect, many omen suffer from depression and bodily complications. Therefore, some would argue that utilitarianism is a good approach because the woman can make the conscious and rational decisions to either undergo pregnancy or not. Some women may also feel that they are not prepared to be a mother and that it is not fair for them to bring a child into an unhealthy environment where she is struggling. This then means that the theory can be used to prevent an unprepared mother form being forced to have a child, therefore, creating happiness. However, some would disagree with utilitarianism because it allows for a quick fix solution to short term happiness. Christians believe that every child is a gift from the Lord and the bible states that â€Å"man was made in God’s image† – Genesis. Furthermore, every child is a potential life that is there to be cared for a cherished which, if aborted, will never have the opportunity to flourish in society. Some may argue that if the woman is given all the rights over whether the child is aborted or not, the father and the families of the parents may also be heavily affected by the loss of a potential family member, which can lead to depression. In addition, some may agree that utilitarianism is a useful method because it looks at the circumstances of the abortion. Traumatic experiences, including rape or molestation, can all lead to an unwanted and unplanned pregnancy. Utilitarianism allows the situation of the individual to be taken into account and so abortion would be seen as acceptable if the woman has had her rights abused and is, in turn, pregnant. This is because, those that follow the theory can foresee that due to the child being unwanted, the mother may feel hatred towards the child because of the circumstances that she was placed in, also leading to resentment. The mother may also be in an unfit emotional state to properly take care of a child, which is unfair as every child has the right to be loved and looked after by its parents. Furthermore, the greatest happiness is achieved because the woman can then reevaluate her situation and overcome the pain she has been forced to experience, before having a child. Lastly, some would argue against this point because it cannot predict the long-term consequences of abortion. There is no guarantee that if a woman has been raped she will resent and hate her child, and there is no saying that the child may in fact aid her emotional recovery and will be very much loved. There are also physical problems. If a woman has an abortion when she is young, she may try to conceive years later only to find that she is infertile from the abortion that she previously had. An abortion can also be a very traumatic experience than can lead to potential emotional damage and regret. To conclude, these points show both sides of the argument that utilitarianism is a useful approach to abortion, showing that in some cases looking at the situation allows for a slippery slope of acceptability when considering abortion.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Organizational Culture, Business Strategy and HR Practices affect diverse teams‘ performance Essay

The Later Findings: Organizational Culture, Business Strategy and HR Practices affect diverse teams‘ performance Effects of Organizational Culture and Business Strategies Effects of Organizational Culture and Business Strategies Diverse groups show a higher level of performance in a people-oriented culture Educationally diverse groups perform better within a growth-oriented business strategy Educationally diverse groups perform worse within a stability-oriented business strategy Growth-oriented cultures need creativity and innovation, this is provided through a diverse group Diverse work teams need an appropriate work environment (innovative, creative, group ID) Effects of HR Practices Members of diverse groups are generally rewarded higher in stock options within a diversity-oriented HR environment Companies, which manage diversity well are well managed overall Good diversity management is provided through a strong support from the CEO The Expanded, Nuanced Leadership Role 2050 non-whites will be the majority in the USA Specific and practical recommendations for leaders of diverse teams: 1. Be attuned to issues of social category diversity and identity groups Reflecting about the own social identity, about the one of others and the associated reactions to it 2. Keep refining and developing your own emotional and social intelligence Becoming more aware of the own strength and weaknesses, be aware of the own mood and how to manage it. A high level of self-awareness and flexibility are vital for social intelligence. Be aware about your own verbal and non-verbal language and try to manage them well. Be able to adapt to different cultures and gain crucial knowledge about them. 3. Focus on the diversity values of the team, early and often A good performance is provided through an early alignment of vision and values. 4. Create a strong team identity or brand Team leaders need to build the team’s identity and connection to the organization. Shorthand identification, which can be repeated and demonstrated until it becomes accepted and well known. 5. Hone your skills at having tough conversations See conflict as creative tension that can build positive results. 6. Focus on building organizational culture and human resource practices that are needed to translate diversity into positive results Ensure that a suitable work environment, business strategy and HR practices are in place for diverse teams.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

20 Critical Essay Topics What You Need to Know about Human Trafficking

20 Critical Essay Topics What You Need to Know about Human Trafficking A great paper needs a great topic. The topic you choose will show your teacher how well you have understood the assignment. Unfortunately, leaving your assignment till the last moment can be disastrous to your grade. This is especially true if you have to come up with a critical essay on a tricky subject such as human trafficking. If you are having a tough time coming up with appropriate critical essay topics about human trafficking, you have come to the right place. The following lines offer a list of 20 topics related to this subject. There is a handy list of references and source materials at the end which you can use as research material. The Cross-Border Challenges of Dealing with Human Trafficking Issues Faced by Law Enforcement During Human Trafficking Investigation Rehabilitating Victims of Human Trafficking: Ethical and Practical Considerations Human Traffickers and Their Methods of Operating Invisible to The Naked Eye: Hidden Forms of Human Trafficking Understanding the Major Indicators of Human Trafficking Human Trafficking as the Modern-Day Slavery Anti-Human Trafficking Campaigns in Cultural Media The Anonymity of the Internet: A Boon for Human Traffickers The Differences between Human Smuggling and Human Trafficking The Aftermath of War: Women Enslavement and Trafficking Human Trafficking: Influence of Cultural Factors The Exploitation of Humanity: How Human Trafficking Became a $150 Billion Global Industry A Perspective on Clients: Who Buys From Human Traffickers? Armed Conflict Zones are Breeding Grounds for The Illicit Trade of Human Trafficking Philanthropy Engineering: How Advanced Tech Can Help Victims of Human Trafficking How Anti-Money Laundering Efforts Combat Human Trafficking Comparing International Trafficking and Domestic Trafficking The Ideal Victim: Predictors of Human Trafficking Using Children for in Armed Conflicts Since word count requirements vary across the board, we have tried to keep the topics a little generalized. Feel free to narrow them down according to your interests. Remember to limit the scope of your paper to a particular time period, geographical location, a pivotal case, the efforts of a specific humanitarian/aid agency, a specific piece of legislation, the efforts of a specific political figure, or even a documentary. Since we are here to help, here is a sample paper which you can use as an outline for your critical essay. Sample Critical Essay on Trafficking for Organ Trade and Body Parts: The Emergence of a Disturbing Dimension in Human Trafficking Human trafficking is the worst form of abuse that can be inflicted on an individual. The horror of the crime lies in the fact that is negates very humanity of the victims. This modern-day equivalent of slavery continues unabated; the complex nature of the crime makes detecting and controlling it difficult. The most common cases are ones in which human traffickers sexually exploit their victims or force them into hard labor. The less commonly known forms of human trafficking involves an extreme form of cruelty: where the victims are trafficked for organ trade. According to the UN Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking (GIFT), organ trafficking has three basic categories: (1) the victims are somehow deceived or coerced by force to give up the organ; (2) commercial transaction where the victim is not paid or paid less than the promised amount; (3) when the organs are removed without the victim’s knowledge. A report by the European Parliament (EP) states that organ trafficking and trafficking of human beings for organ removal (TBHOR) has become widespread over the span of the past 16 years. Until recently, most of these cases have occurred in Eastern European countries and Russia. However, the implementation of tougher law enforcement rules has decreased the incidence rates in these countries. Unfortunately, traffickers have simply switched tactics and moved onto other regions, such as Latin America and North Africa. These regions suffer from economic and political instability. Under such conditions, human traffickers find the ideal victim pool, i.e. people who are already a part of at-risk sections of society, such as migrant workers, those living below the poverty line, members of highly marginalized groups, homeless people, and illiterate people. The entire process involves a host of people as well as high levels of coordination and organization: the medical professionals who are responsible for the procedure, the middlemen, the buyers, the organ banks where the organs are stored, and transporters who are responsible for the logistics. The recommendations of legislating bodies and humanitarian agencies state that this issue can only be addressed through proper legislation covering all the aspects of the crime and proper implementation of these laws. National laws of each country should have an anti-trafficking policy. An increase in public awareness of organ donation will drive up donation rates, hopefully closing some of the gap between the number of organs needed for transplantation and available organs. EP also recommends that the donor recipient should be held criminally and morally liable. The technical recommendations include improvement of organ traceability systems. Human trafficking is a reality that the public in general needs to realize and react to. More awareness, education, and stronger legal frameworks will allow vulnerable victims to escape the horrors of this experience. This is just a sample that can inspire you to come up with a great critical essay that will win over your instructor. So, make sure that you start working on your paper right away. References: Vienna Forum to Fight Human Trafficking, Technology and Human Trafficking 8 (Background Paper, 2008), Trafficking in Persons for the Purpose of Organ Removal (ASSESSMENT TOOLKIT,2015), European Union, European Parliament. (2015). Trafficking in human organs. Retrieved from Lehti, M. (2003), Trafficking in women and children in Europe, in HEUNI papers, no. 18, Helsinki: HEUNI. Banks, D., and Kyckelhahn, T. (2011). Characteristics of Suspected Human Trafficking Incidents: 2008–2010. U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics. Washington, D.C.: Office of Justice Programs International Organization for Migration. (2012). IOM 2011 Case Data on Human Trafficking: Global Figures Trends. Washington: Polaris Project. (2014). â€Å"The Victims.† Retrieved January 28, 2014, from Polaris Project: For a World without Slavery, overview/the-victims. Bales, K., and Trodd, Z. (2009). Modern Slavery: The Secret World of 27 Million People. Oxford: Oneworld. Palmiotto, M. Combating human trafficking (pp. 30-32).

Monday, October 21, 2019

Admissions Essay -Homeland Security

Self Assesment/Admissions Essay -Homeland Security Free Online Research Papers I have always been intrigued by studying different topics related to Law Enforcement, specifically in the area of Homeland Security. I have taken many courses over the past 19 years relating to or touching the surface on issues surrounding 911 and Homeland Security. I find myself wanting to look deeper into these issues. I am seeking admissions into this program for the following reasons. I want to learn in depth about the issues we have faced as a nation, and the issues we will be faced with in the future regarding Homeland Security. I have been waiting on the right time in my life to start my Master’s Program, and it is finally the right time. I am looking forward to the challenges of research. I would like to continue to advance myself and my career, and a Master’s Degree will assist my endeavor. I am committed to my family, and setting examples for my children to follow. I always push my children to do more, and this is another way to show them there are no limits if you’re willing to give 100%. My background in Law Enforcement will make the transition into this program very smooth for me. I decided to go back to College in 1993 to finish my Bachelors Degree. I finished my degree from Saint Leo University in 1995, graduating with honors (CUM LAUDE). I have taken many courses dealing directly with Homeland Security, and Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD). I am incident Command Certified (ICS), and have taken numerous courses relating to ICS structure. I personally have handled large scale events relating to disasters and security. I have been responsible for several successful presidential escorts. I feel my future contributions relating to Homeland Security center around drug trafficking efforts and training of our Law Enforcement members. I feel many parallels exist between drug trafficking activity and terrorism. Why have we not closed off our borders to drug smuggling? What implications might this have for terrorists or others who may wish to import a Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD) into our country? Has there been a large scale impact on home-grown/manufactured drugs? While there is sure to be debate regarding the answers to these questions, most can agree that drugs remain abundantly available and an important reason our jails are overcrowded. Criminals respond to technology by using any means at their disposal, ranging from low tech mules which sacrifice one, knowing that 9 others will get through. Drug cartels have penetrated foreign governments and corrupted officials worldwide, well-financed terrorists have done the same. It would be naive to think that officials or lower level government personnel in Colombia, Afghanistan, Mexico, and a dozen other countries that may be corrupt, only sell advance information about government operations against drug cartel activity while not selling information about operations against terrorist groups. Policies are bound to fail if they ignore important social forces. Important lessons for the counter-terrorism community may lie in the Governments response to the drug trade and the way the government is organizationally structured to respond to the activities of drug trafficking organizations. Law Enforcement training must include better command, control, and coordination of policy and its funding and implementation (overall program responsibility). The enhanced effectiveness will not come from organizational structure alone. Law Enforcement training must be sensitive to ever-changing social, religious, and political phenomena spanning the globe; must be proactive, not reactive; and must keep abreast of evolving or revolutionary new technologies. One of the main challenges today for Law Enforcement is finding a way to eliminate the illegal activity for terrorist groups. If you can eliminate the illegal activity, you will impact the funding source for these various groups. Illegal drug money funds terrorist organizations and activities. The terrorists point to our willingness to consume these drugs as direct evidence of our society’s moral degeneracy. Law Enforcement needs to be vigilant in its efforts to thwart drug trafficking in the United States. Having a better understanding of Homeland Security and the challenges we face as a nation, will enable me to better understand what lies ahead. The area I am currently responsible for is considered a rural area. I have worked in metropolitan areas in the past, and they pose different challenges than my current assignment. In a rural area there is more opportunity for terrorists to blend into the community. Additionally, there are more opportunities for large scale organizations to set up and run a grow house or lab that would be difficult to detect. I am utilizing aircraft operations to combat some of these issues, as well as focusing on neighborhood watch groups to report suspicious activity. These basic and simple techniques have proven to be successful in combating these types of behavior within our community. The area I currently work in did not have a large scale multi-jurisdictional co-op plan in place prior to 2005. I was instrumental in implementing and writing this plan for the tri-county area. We have a working plan to deal with terrorist threats, natural or manmade disasters, and large scale mobilizations. In Ma y 2001, we experienced a long draught within Dade County. A large scale fire developed, and we had to execute our co-op plan. The 17 day fire detail worked flawlessly. In August 2002 we experienced a tornado in Dade County. Again, we utilized our plan and our efforts proved to be successful. Whether it is a large scale disaster or terrorist threat, I am confident in my ability as a Law Enforcement manager to oversee and collaborate with any agency to make the detail a success. This program will provide me with the resources I need to better understand Homeland Security. I plan to utilize this knowledge to share the information learned with those I command. In conclusion, I would like to thank those on the selection committee for allowing me the opportunity to apply for this program. I look forward to the learning and growing opportunity that this program will offer. Research Papers on Self Assesment/Admissions Essay -Homeland SecurityThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This NiceOpen Architechture a white paperInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andStandardized TestingIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalGenetic EngineeringAppeasement Policy Towards the Outbreak of World War 2

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Celebrate French Candlemas (Jour des Crêpes)

How to Celebrate French Candlemas (Jour des Crà ªpes) The Catholic holiday of Candlemas, celebrated every year on February 2, is a feast of crà ªpes thats meant to commemorate the purification of the Virgin Mary and the presentation of baby Jesus. In France, this holiday is called la Chandeleur, Fà ªte de la Lumià ¨re  or Jour des crà ªpes. Note that this holiday bears no relation to  Lyons Fà ªte des lumià ¨res, which takes place December 5 to 8. A Bit of Fortune-Telling Not only do the French eat a lot of crà ªpes on la Chandeleur, but they also do a bit of fortune-telling while making them. It is traditional to hold a coin in your writing hand and a crà ªpe pan in the other, then flip the crà ªpe into the air. If you manage to catch the crà ªpe in the pan, your family will supposedly be prosperous for the rest of the year. French Proverbs and Sayings for Chandeleur There are all kinds of French proverbs and sayings for Chandeleur; here are just a few. Note the similarities to the Groundhog Day predictions made in the US and Canada: la Chandeleur, lhiver cesse ou reprend vigueurOn Candlemas, winter ends or gets worse la Chandeleur, le jour croà ®t de deux heuresOn Candlemas, the day grows by two hoursChandeleur couverte, quarante jours de perteCandlemas covered (in snow), forty days lostRosà ©e la Chandeleur, hiver sa dernià ¨re heureDew on Candlemas, winter at its final hour The Crà ªpe-Throwing Game Heres a fun way to celebrate la Chandeleur in French classes. All you need are a  crà ªpe recipe, ingredients, paper plates and a small prize, such as a book or a $5 bill. Thanks to a fellow French teacher for sharing this. The day before, ask a couple of students to make a pile of crà ªpes and bring them into class (or make them yourself). For the sake of an even playing field, the crà ªpes need to be the same size, about 5 inches in diameter.Give each student a paper plate and write his or her name on the bottom. The object of the game is to catch a crà ªpe in the very center of the plate.Stand on a chair about 10 feet away from the students and throw a crà ªpe, frisbee-style, for students to catch. Once they catch the crà ªpe, they cant jiggle or flip it to try to reposition it on the plate.After each student has caught a crà ªpe, ask two adults, such as fellow teachers, to come into the  room and judge which crà ªpe is the most perfectly centered.  The winner gets a prize.Then you can all celebrate by eating crà ªpes with an assortment of fillings and/or toppings, which can be  sweet  or  savory.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Interview reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Interview reflection - Essay Example Indeed, a calm disposition is an edge over this kind of activity. The question that asked candidates about qualities that commands respect in the classroom was full of insight. First, the personality of the person answering the question would be revealed. If â€Å"grades† were the answer , that reveals the person’s belief in positive or negative reinforcement. Another question that reveals the candidate’s belief is the one that inquires about the stating the goals of a school principal. This clearly shows what the person thinks or believes are the needs of the educational system according to his own perspective. Actually, almost all of the questions were very thought-provoking that required students to practice critical thinking skills and some ethics. The interview activity should always be a part of the class requirements. The activity helps students to understand themselves better and prepare them for real scenarios in the future. Applying concepts learned in the class and communicating them well to other people is a plus factor in one’s

Friday, October 18, 2019

Introduction to Organisations and Management Essay - 3

Introduction to Organisations and Management - Essay Example To what extent and in what specificity the businesses differ would be analysed in a critical and comparative way in the next parts of this report. Understanding the structural and design differences of the organizations. The importance of an organization’s structure is not only in defining the firm’s formal reporting relationships, procedures, authority, control and decision making process but it also works effectively as a tool of implementing strategy. The organizational structure plays an important part in defining how the work is done and by whom it is done, how managers work and also define the accountability of individuals within the organization (Hitt et. al, 2009). Various organizations can implement different forms of organizational structure in accordance to their strategic goals and objectives. The major types of structure that are widely used across most organizations can be put into 4 categories: The Functional Structure, The Divisional Structure, The Matri x Structure and the Horizontally linked structure. The functional structure groups people of similar set of skills together under a department managed by an individual having knowledge of such skills. The Divisional Structure is rather concerned with putting together a group with similar abilities required for various works or departments across the organization. The Matrix structure brings together a group of people from an already existing department to work in another function where their set of skills may be useful, besides working in their pre designated department. Under the Horizontally linked structure the organizations group its workers depending upon the activity and processes it puts in place to offer its services (Wheelen & Hunger, 2010). Putting together the understanding of the above theories of organizational structure and looking at the two organizations of the case study, a distinct difference can be seen of how both organizations are set up and working. Watson Engi ne Components looks to be working on a stricter approach of the Functional Structure whereas H&M Consulting is inclined more towards a Matrix Structure. However one can also argue that while catering to different projects with different set of skills through a networked structure it implements more than a single organizational structure to enhance its performance. This thought is also put forward by C.W. Fontaine who says that often organizations with tens of thousands of people, implement different organizational structures to benefit different parts of the organization. (Fontaine, 2007) The criticality of such structural differences It is not only important to understand what differences lie between two organizations, but is also important to fully evaluate why such difference exist and what are the resulting effects on both. In the case of Watson Engine Components, the impact of being formed as a family business has probably played a decisive role in setting the organization stru cture and working policies. More so the business operates within a single type of production and engages a substantial level of blue-collar workers who are highly unionised. These issues probably have not escalated in a single day but working over a period of time under a certain structure has definitely made the organization heavily hierarchical. This coupled with lack of communication between employers and

Application of entry essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Application of entry - Essay Example Managing financial flows I was also thrilled when working with people and satisfying their needs. That’s why I was involved into recruitment and orientation as well as training and human resource policy. Later on I followed the path of counseling recruits and developing training programs. This work was bringing me a lot of pleasure as it involved research and development of new approaches which contributed to the enhancement of the staff skills as well as mine. My recruitment and counseling experience made me understand people better. Managing people and bringing changes into their perceptions and beliefs requires robust leadership skills. Particularly these are important when you are going to bring in changes through different training initiatives. I successfully managed to implement professional development programs and to make them as effective as possible. The next fascinating aspect in business is the ability to manage financial flows more efficiently as it is all about well-being of people and their families. Working as a payroll specialist I was aware of the importance of my work for hundreds of people. Processing multi-state payrolls for over 800 employees I felt responsibility for the prosperity of every of them. Through my career these two aspects – financial and humanitarian – intertwined into one amazing journey into life of thousands of people. During my studies I am going to incorporate substantial skills acquired when working as a payroll specialist and a recruiter. My personal statement about education is that it is the way to accomplish oneself and bring in a change into the life of other people. During the years of work I became aware of the need to initiate these changes in myself. I have a strong intention to enlarge my knowledge about business and accomplish it with theory. My practical experience will be a good back up for generating new knowledge and developing new vision of management in all

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Organisation of Engineering Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Organisation of Engineering Business - Essay Example They offer these services both in the private and the public sector (Interforum, 2003). D&W provides services in several development sector including energy performance and analysis, site infra structure and master planning, in the commercial and residential establishments, and in the health and the education centre. Apart from where their offices are located, D&W has also carried out work in Russia, United Arab Emirates, Nigeria and Saudi Arabia. D&W has recently received the ISO 14001 accreditation because of a balanced approach towards sustainable development and socially responsible design in all their projects. They attempt to create inherently low energy buildings and use low carbon technology as a vital part of the modern design. Because of their contribution towards a greener environment, D&W has received The Green Organization Award from for the year 2009. This demonstrates the company’s commitment to a sustainable environment. D&W has also invested in information technology, which is essential for their core business. Until 1994, technology was used only sparingly but the management realized that technology could help to streamline its business processes. This in turn would help them to provide enhanced service to their customers. To improve staff communication, they installed a Wide Area Network (WAN) which could link its computers and the telecommunication system across all its offices (UKonline, 2003). All the sites now work as a team, exchanging information, and they also use technology to discuss CAD drawings with clients. The company has substantially reaped the benefits of their IT investment. It has helped to reduce their print and travel cost by  £500 per month (Interforum, 2003). Because of their ability to share information, productivity has enhanced by 20 percent. The process of change at D&W has been incremental and has not taken

Recreational Facilities for Ladies in Muslim Community Research Paper

Recreational Facilities for Ladies in Muslim Community - Research Paper Example But the patriarchy of a Muslim society is viewed as more of the projection of the male authority -of the society in power- than the application of the religious doctrines. Also apart from religious issues, the geo-cultural factors appear may appear to be in direct conflict with the women’s outdoor recreational activities. 12 The fact how the Muslim women as well as the dominating patriarchy perceive and permit the female recreational activities in the Barsha community was explored in a bilateral investigation paradigm. We perceived that the exploratory research of the Muslim Women’s recreational activities necessarily requires both the theoretical and field exploration of the plausibility of creating opportunities for recreational activities within the moral and customary boundary of the society. First, we attempted to explore extensively into the socio-culture features of the Community in Barsha through an intensive literature review. In this regard, a profound study about the life of women in the past, its dilemma to the community has been described on the information gathered and justified in the Literature Review. Then in order to investigate into the fact how the women in Muslim community perceive recreational activities, an investigation was led among 60 women in the field level. 12 This study primarily focuses on the needs of recreational activities for both men and women. In the second place it explores the scopes and limitations of recreational activities in Muslim women’s life. In particular, the research is: ‘the recreational facilities for ladies in Muslim communities should be encouraged or not?’ The aim of performing this study is to find out the role of recreational activities in the life of Muslim women. We have also tried to explore the perceptions of the Muslim ladies towards the existence of recreational activities and opportunities. The aim is to create the awareness regarding the recreational activities and their acceptance in

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Organisation of Engineering Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Organisation of Engineering Business - Essay Example They offer these services both in the private and the public sector (Interforum, 2003). D&W provides services in several development sector including energy performance and analysis, site infra structure and master planning, in the commercial and residential establishments, and in the health and the education centre. Apart from where their offices are located, D&W has also carried out work in Russia, United Arab Emirates, Nigeria and Saudi Arabia. D&W has recently received the ISO 14001 accreditation because of a balanced approach towards sustainable development and socially responsible design in all their projects. They attempt to create inherently low energy buildings and use low carbon technology as a vital part of the modern design. Because of their contribution towards a greener environment, D&W has received The Green Organization Award from for the year 2009. This demonstrates the company’s commitment to a sustainable environment. D&W has also invested in information technology, which is essential for their core business. Until 1994, technology was used only sparingly but the management realized that technology could help to streamline its business processes. This in turn would help them to provide enhanced service to their customers. To improve staff communication, they installed a Wide Area Network (WAN) which could link its computers and the telecommunication system across all its offices (UKonline, 2003). All the sites now work as a team, exchanging information, and they also use technology to discuss CAD drawings with clients. The company has substantially reaped the benefits of their IT investment. It has helped to reduce their print and travel cost by  £500 per month (Interforum, 2003). Because of their ability to share information, productivity has enhanced by 20 percent. The process of change at D&W has been incremental and has not taken

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

International Investments SLP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

International Investments SLP - Essay Example So after deliberating at the list of funds in Yahoo! Finance, I decided to spend approximately $95,000 for seven select funds which I deem will give me financial glory. The table below shows the name of the fund, its ticker, the number of shares I decided to buy, the recent share price and the total investment money needed. Table 1 lists my selected funds namely, VUG, QQEW, SPYG, RPX, EMT, VFINX, and SCHW which selected according to James Gardner’s core principle in investing – best growth stocks. In any type of investment, it is absolutely important to determine what kind of investor you are and of course what sort of investor do you aim to be. For this instance I can say that I am the type of investor who does not wish to trade each and every single day like a full time job. So long term growth is the best type of investment style that suits me. The ETFs VUG, QQEW, SPYG, and RPX are in the large growth category and I have allotted a considerable number of shares in them. VUG and SPYG have only 250 shares each because they have relatively higher share prices compared to the others. RPX and EMT have 400 shares each because they’re basically cheaper. I have allotted a solid 1000 shares in QQEW because of my big confidence in the NASDAQ-100 and in the even greater potential of the in ternational technology industry. The fifth on the list is EMT, which is a compendium of the â€Å"largest publicly-traded mining companies involved in industrial and precious metals exploration, extraction and production within the emerging world.† EMT plays a significant role in the mining industry, so I placed 400 shares to it. The two last items in my list are VFINX and SCHW. VFINX does not fail to be included at the top performing index fund; however it has an expensive share price so I just allocated 100 shares for it. SCHW is also one of the frequent top performers and it is relatively cheap so 350 shares were

Monday, October 14, 2019

Best and Brightest Essay Example for Free

Best and Brightest Essay Being at a pivotal point in our lives, middle schoolers especially, are easily influenced. Whether it’s a new fashion trend in your favorite magazine, the album of the latest â€Å"artist to watch†, or your friend’s opinion on how to answer number seven on your math homework, we are always being influenced or influencing someone or something ourselves. Citizen involvement and volunteerism not can only influence you, but also those around you, because I believe it is our civic duty. It is our responsibility to give back to our community, whether you’re leading or following, because as Edith Wharton once said, â€Å"There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.† Volunteering starts with one person, a candle in the darkness, and eventually that light spreads until that once very small light, is being reflected in a hundred different ways. I have always been inspired to give back to my community, because my mom taught me volunteering was important at an early age and inspired me to complete community service on my own time. However, some kids don’t have it as easy as I do when it comes to inspiration and willpower to volunteer, so I try my best to preach the importance of volunteerism to my friends and family. Especially to my friends, because I believe most voluntary community service done by students comes from the influence and inspiration of their friends. It is my personal belief that students are more obligated to give back through the â€Å"buddy system†, because lots of students, including me, like to have friend there with them, through the process when trying something new. In order to spread light, there has to be flames, which in lots of cases are friends who volunteer. You can’t light a candle without a match, so you obviously can’t get into volunteerism without a cause or reason for doing so; much less influence someone else to start volunteering. However, when we do find a cause we care about and connect with, we are able to dedicate time from our lives to give back to it. For me it was helping troubled kids in my community. It all started when I was volunteering for KLES EDEP in seventh grade for my student service learning project. Though I enjoyed every second of it and I loved the kids I worked with, I wanted to make a bigger impact by helping troubled kids, who weren’t as lucky to be blessed with an upbringing like mine by becoming a juror for Teen Court. I’ve dedicated many, many Tuesday nights to the Leon County Court House Annex and I have no intention of stopping, as I have aspirations of becoming a Teen Court lawyer sometime next year. I’ve even convinced a couple of my friends to start attending with me. I also tutor elementary school students on weekends and after school, but I soon hope to start tutoring Godby High School students with my church next year. It’s really a wonder that few events here and there could blossom into a great habit that hopefully will become lifelong for me and those who I inspire. It’s amazing that something as small as caring about a cause can influence you to volunteer in your community, which can in turn influence your friends and classmates to make a difference, too. Even if it’s half-jokingly proposing to start volunteering at least once a month! You just have to believe you YOURSELF can, because that is being â€Å"the candle†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ and that is what causes â€Å"the reflection†.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Personality Theories in Successful Leaders

Personality Theories in Successful Leaders Abstract One question that all good employee thinks is what makes a good leader and how do I become one. It is important to understand what makes a leader and are there certain personality characteristics that make leaders successful. Using the big five personality dimensions which are extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to experience it will be explored what characteristic’s fit with successful leaders today. This study aims to quantify what of the big five personality dimensions are most present in successful and effective leaders today. It will take 4 teams from 100 organizations from fortune 500 companies to non-profit organization. Hypothesis This study intends to demonstrate with evidence that effective leaders have similar personalities traits based on the big five personalities dimensions. Leadership Was Steve Jobs a good leader or George Washington a good leader? What makes a good leader? Before that is answered, it must be understood what defines leadership and what qualifies as a good leader. Many scientific papers and books try to define leadership some define it as â€Å" leadership involves persuading other people to set aside for a period of time their individual concern and to purse a common goal that is important for the responsibilities and welfare of a group (Hogan, G, Hogan, 1994)â€Å" while others believe it stands it for â€Å"†¦inspiring followers to identify with a vision that reaches beyond immediate self-interest (Benoliel Somech, 2014).† Between the two definitions it is clear a leader must inspire a group of people to go above and beyond and do what is beyond what they will want to do. Not everyone can be a leader there are certain traits we expect out of them. In our everyday life we work for, learn from, and follow leaders. These leaders can be CEO’s, managers, teachers, or even the President of the United States. They should be intelligent, likeable, have strong technical skills to relate to their roles. There are many people in the world with these traits but not every one of them makes a good leader. Based on these assumptions there must some additional traits that separate good leaders from average leaders. A leaders personality must have an effect on how the lead and inspire people to go above and beyond. Looking at a leader from the aspect of the big five personality dimensions might shed some light on what makes a strong leader. Big Five Personality Dimensions For centuries people have classified personalities, even Aristotle have established several categories of classification. The current established theory has been created by Tupes and Christal (1961). This taxonomic structure has five personality dimensions which are extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to experience. The first factor of the personality dimensions is extraversion. Leaders who possesses high level of extraversion are described of â€Å"sociable, optimistic, expressive, active, and assertive (Benoliel Somech, 2014).† Salespersons often are high-extraversion employees because they enjoy person interaction and thrive in an environment that involves. These employees seek a positive environment to work in because it gives them a sense of security, The second factor of the personality dimensions is agreeableness. Agreeableness can be described as cooperative, trusting and flexible. Employees with a high level of agreeableness tend to be successful in roles that work in groups and require joint efforts between teams. Project managers are a great example of a role someone with agreeableness might hold. Similar to extraversion, agreeableness enjoys the interactions between people but focuses more in the intimacy of relationships between people. The third factor of the personality dimensions is conscientiousness. â€Å"High- conscientiousness individuals tend to be responsible, dependable, hardworking, persistent, and achievement oriented; low-conscientiousness individuals tend to be irresponsible, undependable, and lacking self-discipline (Benoliel Somech, 2014).† High- conscientiousness employees believe they are capable of doing the job and set high achieving goals for themselves. These will employees tent to dive in when the workload gets intensive and will work with others to relief the stress. The fourth factor of the personality dimensions is neuroticism. Neuroticism is a personality dimensions that unlike the other having a high level of is not necessary a good thing. People who have a high level of neuroticism are often described as a worry-ward and insecure. Those with low levels are neuroticism are calm individuals who can handle high amounts of pressure. This is important in a high stakes environment some occupations where one would expect to see people with low levels of neuroticism would be in the medical field such as doctors and nurses or traders on the New York Stock Exchanges floor. The final factor of the personality dimensions is openness to experience. These individuals are creative and the out of the box thinkers. They adjust to change fairly easily and are willing to adjust their behaviors to meet the environment they are in. Method This study aims analysis what big five personality dimensions are most common with effective leaders. An effective leader will add value to any organization and therefore it is important to understand what makes up an effective leader. Additionally it is vital to understand the employees think of this leader. Why is it important to understand an effective leader from one that is not so effective? If we go back throughout history and look at the effect a good leader on the outcome of a situation there is plenty of evidence that shows an effective leader will have a positive impact. To give some examples the explosive growth Steve Jobs had on Apple to in 1997 or George Washington entering the revolutionary war and become the first President. These leaders took a situation that was losing situations and thorough their leadership turns the situation around and makes it extremely successful through hard work and dedication. The first step of this study is to analysis what an effective leader is. To do this the study would work with 100 organizations from fortune 500 companies to non-profit organizations such as universities, charities, and military. From each of the organizations select they study will review 4 teams, within these teams there will be effective leaders and teams and those who are not as effective. By understanding those who have successful leadership compared to those who are not the goal would be see what personality dimensions are prominent. To do these the leaders will take a big five personality test that will quantify how their personality matrix is built. In addition the employees of those leaders will take the test for their leader. This will aim to quantify what dimension of the big five personalities to followers look to the most. This will also help give an unbiased look because leaders might try to skew the results. Once the tests have been completed the study will focus on the effectiveness of those leaders. The study will analysis each team within their organizations to understand their effectiveness. The effectiveness of the team will look at the team’s productivity. The more productive the team the expectation would be the more the effective the leader. Besides the level of productivity the study will also look at the morale of the team. Expected Outcomes Once the data has been collected the results will be analysis to see if there is any positive or negative correlation between the big five personalities dimensions. Among these correlations it would be expect to see that effective leaders will have specific traits in their personalities that make them effective leaders. In the contrary the study will also show the dimensions are negatively affect leadership. Based on expectations I would expect to see the big five dimensions show up in leadership in the following ways. The first personality to analysis would be the extraversion. It would be expected that a leader should have a medium to high level of extraversion. Extraversion involves the socialness of the individual. A leader should be social with the team and keep the optimistic view that will drive the team going forward. The next attribute that is vital to a leader is agreeableness. The expected outcome would be all leaders would have a high level of agreeableness. They will work well with the team and keep everyone on track. There will also make the teams function more effective because leaders do not always have the correct answers and a good interaction between leader and the employees can create a good dialogue that will lead to the best solution. Conscientiousness is one trait that all company want out of their employees have and therefore would be a high expectation of any effective leader. Employee with high levels of conscientiousness are often described as dependable and organized. â€Å"Individuals who are conscientious also tend to preserve, work hard, and enjoy achieving and accomplishing things (BOOK).† Since all conscientious enjoy achieving their goals it is important that leads hold these values. Additionally all leaders should be able to keep their followers organized and focused on the goals ahead. Since cons Neuroticism is the one trait that would be advantageous to have in the lower spectrum. People in the high spectrum are often emotionally unstable. Leaders need to have their emotions in check all the times. The final personality dimensions is openness to experiences which like most of the other dimensions the expectation would be a leader would be on the higher side. Leaders should be open to change and also be a leader of change within an organization. A leader who cannot handle moving parts of everyday business will not be effective. Benefits of research There will be a lot of benefits from the research into what makes an effective leader. If an employee was interesting into taking a leadership role they can take a personality test and see if what areas they are strong in and where they are weak. This can then help them work on improving their skills. For example say an employee is lacking in extraversion assuming it is a primary measure of leadership skills. The employee can be put into situation to help then become more expressive or go to particular training classes to make then more expressive. This will help the organization put in leaders that will lead to change making the teams and organization more effective. Understanding the trains of an effective leader will help human resources as well. Understanding the personalities of employees coming in will help them understand the person potential. Another example is there is an opening for a senior vice president of operation. This department has been suffering for years under the lack of leadership. It will be helpful to know what traits to look for in the new leader. Supporting References The following studies have support this hypothesis and will help provide guidance. Study 1 –Five-Factor mode of personality and transformational leader In this study the authors explore the personality factors of transformational leaders. References Hogan, R., Curphy, G. J., Hogan, J. (1994). What we know about leadership: Effectiveness and personality. American Psychologist, 49(6), 493-504. doi: Benoliel Pascale, Somech Anit (2014) The health and performance effects of participative leadership: Exploring the moderating role of the Big Five personality dimensions, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 23:2, 277-294, DOI: 10.1080/1359432X.2012.717689

Saturday, October 12, 2019

ESL in DoDS Schools :: Free Essay Writer

Young Arzu Alp(not her real name), a ten-year-old military brat, is starting mid-semester at her third school in four years. Nervously standing before the American flag, she anticipates trouble understanding the teacher, hopes for just one new friend, and speaks English as a second language. Arzu need not fear. Her family has been stationed where the school she will attend instructs over 100 hundred English as a Second Language students by three specialized teachers and a competent faculty. Unlike her first year in the Department of Defense District School system when she spoke only Turkish, this semester she will test for Level Four and be very close to breaking her language barrier. She has seen others do this and excel in all other areas as well. The talented and gifted program at her new school is made up of 50% ESL students. In fact, the principal boasts that ESL students often finish high school as valedictorians or salutatorians. (M. Fidler, personal communication, June 9, 2001). Immersion of ESL students in mainstream classes has its advantages and disadvantages. Beginning with enrollment to testing through four levels of English comprehension to graduation, the potential obstacles are unique to ESL students. As we journey through Arzu’s experiences in the ESL program at her new DoDDS’ school, we will assess its productivity and describe its methods of success. One teacher at her new school feels that having ESL students learn side-by-side American, English-speaking only students creates an environment of cultural diversity. Multiple beliefs, traditions, and allegiances adds spice and enrichment to classroom interactions. (M. Fidler, personal communication, June 9, 2001). This is especially true at Arzu’s school where the different backgrounds pepper every classroom and there is no dominant one. Everyone is somewhat culture-bound. Within each culture, there is a unique coherence, integrity, and logic (Snowman, Biehler, 2000). These two statements and believing that one culture is not better or worse than the rest is the ideas on which cultural diversity, or pluralism, is based. One English/History/Humanities teacher articulates this attitude by commenting that relationships must be based on tolerance and mutual respect (M.Fidler, personal communication, June 9, 2001). In response to the question, â€Å"Do cultural differences cause problems in the classroom?† twelve out of twelve teachers and both the principal and vice principal agree that they do not.

Friday, October 11, 2019

DNA Research Paper

DNA is a nucleic acid that is basis of genetic information. It is like a set of instructions for our bodies and genetic codes. DNA has many different components that make it up such as hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and phospurous. The structure has two long polymers of a simple unit called nucleotides. Holding the back of the structure is sugar and phosphate which are attached by ester bonds. Bonded to each sugar is 4 different types of molecules called bases. The backbone of the dna is where the genetic information is stored. The code is read by copying stretches of DNA into the related nucleic acid RNA, in a process called transcription. Properties in DNA once put together make the structure scientists see under the microscope discovered by James D Watson. The structure is two helical chains coiled around the same axis. It’s two long strands twirl around like vines on each other in the shape of a double helix. The nucleotide repeats which is a base linked to sugar and one or more phosphate. The back bone of most DNA strand is made form is made from phosphate and sugar resides. Phosphate is a inorganic chemical that is a sale of phosphoric acid they are mined to obtain phosphorous that is used in agriculture. The sugar in dna is 2 deoxyribose which is pentose which is a 5 carbon sugar. Many bonds hold the dna together such as hydrogen bonds, and phosphodiester bonds. And the four bases are adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine. The bases attach to the sugar/phosphate which when attached make up a nucleotide. DNA plays a dramatic role in todays society such as paternity tests, criminal investigations, and genetic engineering. A forensic scientist can test blood, semen, skin, saliva, or hair found at any crime scene to solve crimes committed. When used for genetic engineering manipulation of the DNA is used and therefore synthetic genes are made and put into things such as food or animals. Genetically modified food has been on the market since 1994. An insulin producing bacteria produced since 1982. This simple yet complicated acid plays important roles from being copied to cure a disease. From holding genetic information Like a CPU for you body. Or solving a murder case. I can honestly say before doing this report I had no idea really what DNA was.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Formation Of Nanocomposite For Ceramic Film Process Engineering Essay

IntroductionWe are Super Solar Sdn Bhd which is a ceramic based company that produces window solar movies. In respond to your petition to integrate the elements of green technology into the day-to-day procedures in the mill, we are subjecting this proposal to upgrade our industry by implementing the construct of green technology into the industry. Before we start let us to give a brief account on nano ceramic movies. Nano ceramic movies are particular movie bed used on difficult stuffs to protect them from wear and tear. They play a large function in maintaining the strength and quality of stuffs such as metals, plastic and many other merchandises used in industrial and consumer applications. Ceramic coatings are typically made up of particular compounds that possess stronger belongingss than regular coating. Compounds in ceramic coatings include carbides, borides, nitrides, and silicides that are difficult plenty to maintain the stuff from roll uping residue and going prone to breakage while in usage. There are two types of ceramic coatings, single-layer and multi-layer. Single-layer coatings are normally applied on already strong stuffs that are non ever exposed to damage, such as PVC plastic and non-metallic merchandises. Multi-layer coatings are used on more delicate merchandises such as fibreglass, metals and other points used for particular research lab or industrial intents. The nano ceramic movie that we produce in our mill is specifically tailored to function as shade or coat for edifice Windowss and vehicles. Our movie ( Solar Tint ) applied straight to the inside of Windowss in a place or commercial concern to organize a protective barrier against the Sun ‘s harmful infrared and ultraviolet radiation. As for automotive movies, the coatings allow a certain sum of Visible Light Transmission, while barricading out of the Sun ‘s infrared heat. The technique we are using to bring forth our nano ceramic atoms is known as Thermal Plasma where the ceramic atoms are heated to high temperature that causes vaporization of the little micron size atoms. Then, to surface the nano ceramic atoms onto Polyethylene Terephthalate or PET movies, the thermic crop-dusting method is used whereby the beginning of heat and energy is a high-temperature plasma. The nano ceramic movies are now formed. Presently there are many issues on natural resources depletion due to industrial procedures. One of the methods to get the better of this job is by implementing the rules of green technology in our industrial procedure. Green technology is the procedure and design of merchandises that conserve natural resources, and impact the natural environment every bit small as possible. The usage of green engineering besides referred as clean engineering is supposed to cut down the sum of waste and pollution that is created during production and ingestion. There are many types of green engineering such as energy, edifice, preferable buying, chemical science and besides nanotechnology. Our focal point is traveling to be chiefly on nanotechnology, efficiency maximization, energy preservation and lastingness. Nanotechnology involves pull stringsing stuffs to the smallest nanometre therefore it can be best to implement green nanotechnology is the usage of green rules in the field. Nanotechnology involves the use of stuffs at the graduated table of the nanometer, one billionth of a metre. Based on this green technology rule, we would wish to present the nano ceramic coating. Nano ceramic coatings provide non merely the usual protection of single-layer and multi-layer coatings, but besides feature thermodynamic belongingss. Nano ceramic window movies are fade and corrosion free, outliving other conventional stuff ( bleached and metals ) based movies by more than 50 % . They are known with the term spectrally selective because they reject blaze and block heat while supplying seeable light and optimal lucidity. Their alone heat control belongingss can merely be exhibited at nano graduated table and the preciseness of the fabrication procedure consequences in a thin bed with even thickness to a ccomplish a uniform, impersonal coloring material tone and public presentation.PROBLEM STATEMENT:Presently, we have been bring forthing nano ceramic movies ( Solar Shade ) used as shade and coat for Windowss in edifices and automotives with the intent of cut downing heat and seeable beam. We have been utilizing the Thermal Plasma procedure to organize nano ceramic atoms of Sn oxide from the majority Sn oxide atoms. These atoms are so used to surface the Polyethylene Terephthalate or PET movies to organize nano ceramic movies. These procedures use up enormous sum of thermic energy and are really dearly-won. There have been programs to cut down the energy ingestion and cost without compromising the quality of the merchandise. Apart from that, the competition in the ceramic movie devising industry is really high and we need to bring forth high quality nano ceramic movies that can run into the demands and demands of our clients. With the on-going argument on the benefits of implementing green engineering in our industrial procedures and programs to better our merchandise quality every bit good as cost decrease, we are doing a proposal to incorporate green engineering in the processing and production of our nano ceramic movies and take necessary steps to do more efficient nano ceramic movies.MethodologyBriefly, being a ceramic based company, we are bring forthing nanoceramic atoms, SnO2 from bulk ceramic atoms utilizing the thermic plasma method and use them to surface Polyethylene Terephthalate, PET movies that we are purchasing from a PET maker. The surfacing stuff that we are utilizing is SnO2 utilizing a thermic crop-dusting method known as Vacuum Plasma Spraying ( VPS ) . And the nano ceramic movies are formed. This films maps as solar heat control window movies for residentials and automotive. In item, the procedures involved are as follows: In nanotechnology, a atom is defined as a little object that behaves as a whole unit in footings of its conveyance and belongingss. Atoms are farther classified harmonizing to size: in footings of diameter, all right atoms cover a scope between 100 and 2500 nanometers.On the other manus, ultrafine atoms are sized between 1 and 100 nanometres. Similar to ultrafine atoms, nanoparticles are sized between 1 and 100 nanometres. Nanoparticles may or may non exhibit size-related belongingss that differ significantly from those observed in all right atoms or majority materials.There are several methods for making nanoparticles, and the method we are utilizing presently is known as thermal plasma which deliver the energy necessary to do vaporization of little micron size atoms. The thermic plasma temperatures are in the order of 10,000 K, so that solid pulverization easy evaporates. Nanoparticles are formed upon chilling while go outing the plasma part. The types of the thermic plasma torch u sed to bring forth nanoparticles are ( RF ) initiation plasmas. In RF initiation plasma torches, energy matching to the plasma is accomplished through the electromagnetic field generated by the initiation spiral. The plasma gas does non come in contact with electrodes, therefore extinguishing possible beginnings of taint and leting the operation of such plasma torches with a broad scope of gases including inert, cut downing, oxidising and other caustic ambiances. The nano atoms that are formed in the earlier measure will now be used as surfacing stuff.There are assorted thermic spraying methods for coating of nano ceramic atoms on the PET movie. One method is vacuum plasma crop-dusting ( VPS ) . As with all plasma spraying methods, the beginning of heat and energy in VPS is a high-temperature plasma. In plasma burner an discharge is produced which heats an inert gas watercourse by ionisation and recombination reactions to temperatures of up to 20,000 K. The stuff to be deposited, in this instance SnO2 is fed in pulverization signifier into this high-energy plasma watercourse with the assistance of a bearer gas. The pulverization atoms are accelerated, heated to a liquefied province and projected at high velocity onto the substrate, which causes them to flatten and organize a lamellar coating. Depending on the continuance of the crop-dusting operation surfacing thicknesses from several ?m to a few centimeter can be produced. Bulk ceramic atoms Nano ceramic atoms Thermal Plasma Vaccum Plasma Spraying PET Films Nano Ceramic FilmFigure 1: Diagram of processing of nano ceramic moviesDiscussionDesign ProcedureBelow is the suggested alteration to the current processing of movie that complies with the rules of Green Technology. The execution of green technology in the procedure and production of nano ceramic movies will give us a positive impact in the hereafter, where we will name the undermentioned impacts at the following pages. The modified nano ceramic movie is named as Green Solar Tint. The modified procedure methodological analysis: Nano ceramic atoms of Tin Oxide formed from the thermic plasma procedure ab initio is replaced by Wet Chemical Process. The PET movies are ab initio coated with nano Tin oxide atoms utilizing the Vacuum Plasma Spraying are now replaced by surfacing bed of TiN ( Ti nitride ) followed by a bed of Tin oxide utilizing the PVD ( Physical Vapor Deposition ) Method.Formation OF NANOCOMPOSITE FOR CERAMIC FILM PROCESSInitially our company used thermic plasma as our procedure to bring forth nano atoms. As our concern about green engineering, we suggested to utilize Wet Chemical Process to bring forth nano atoms. Wet chemical methods enable inexpensive, low-temperature, mass-scale fabrication paths. They produce powdered porous and heavy micro-structures that can non be realized otherwise. In wet-chemical processing, clean nano atom scatterings are deposited on the substrate at, chiefly, ambient conditions. The deposition is followed by a rapid thermic processing intervention to take liquids and organic additives, to change over precursors to the mark composing, and to set up the concluding porous and heavy micr o-structure. In the synthesis of precursor scatterings it is really of import to obtain nano atoms with a near-isometric form and a reasonably narrow atom size distribution, without the formation of secondary agglomerate constructions. In peculiar the latter requires careful control of solution and interfacial chemical science to accomplish proper colloidal stableness, during and after the synthesis procedure.Procedure OF FILM COATING USING TITANIUM NITRIDEPreviously in our ceramics movie procedure, we applied thermic crop-dusting for movie coating. Our old surfacing stuff was Tin oxide entirely. Now as we are suggesting our ceramic movie industry based on green technology, we suggest titanium nitride to be used as our surfacing stuff with a protective bed of Sn oxide. There are few procedures that can be carried out for movie coating. Those are nitriding, thin coat engineerings, thermic crop-dusting and optical maser engineering. Based on our findings sing these procedures, thin co at engineerings is sensible and more convenient to be applied for our ceramics movie industry. Nitriding and thermic spraying need a really high force per unit area and temperature to execute the procedure, where the temperature is capable of transcending boulder clay 20 000 K. Then for optical maser engineering, it requires high tech equipment for surfacing which can be really dearly-won. Hence, we are suggesting the Thin Coat Technology or specifically Physical Vapor Deposition for surfacing procedure.Thin coat engineerings1. The thin coating engineerings used with Ti are PVD ( Physical Vapor Deposition ) these are chemical/physical vapor deposition methods used to fabricate protective coatings. 2. PVD procedures are carried out under vacuity conditions. The procedure involved four stairss: vaporization, transit, reaction and deposition. Evaporation-During this phase, a mark, dwelling of the stuff to be deposited is bombarded by a high energy beginning such as a beam of negatrons or ions. This dislodges atoms from the surface of the mark, ‘vaporizing ‘ them. Transport-This procedure merely consists of the motion of ‘vaporized ‘ atoms from the mark to the substrate to be coated and will by and large be a consecutive line matter. Reaction-In some instances coatings will dwell of metal oxides, nitrides, carbides and other such stuffs. The atoms of metal will so respond with the appropriate gas during the conveyance phase. For the above measure, the reactive gases that can be used is nitrogen which is more abundant compared to methane and O. Deposition-This is the procedure of surfacing construct up on the substrate surface. In our instance, we are surfacing TiN onto the surface of PET movies.Why is our modified procedure better than the initial procedure?Thermal plasma – initial procedure used to bring forth nano atomsThermal plasmas have high temperatures up to15, 000 K because the plasmas are generated at comparatively high force per unit areas where near to atmospheric force per unit area ; they have high densenesss and are considered to be at equilibrium. Since we need a high temperature, we need a higher heat content to bring forth the temperature. In this production method, jobs arise from the residuary coarse atoms. When precursor pulverizations are injected into thermic plasma in which temperature and flow distributions exist both radially and axially, some of the precursor atoms are non evaporated wholly. The non evaporated portion, although little, necessitates an extra station separation procedureWet C hemical Process- modified procedure to bring forth nano atomsThis is the scope of techniques that are most applicable for word picture by light dispersing techniques. These are basically ‘bottom-up ‘ techniques, where they start with ions or molecules and construct these up into larger constructions. These wet chemical science techniques presently offer the best quality nano atoms from a figure of points of position. They produce nano atoms that are already in the signifier of scattering, therefore high inter-particle forces can be designed in to forestall agglomeration. The formation of sums can be reduced or eliminated. The nano atoms can be made to be really same size to within little tolerances. The chemical composing and morphology can be closely controlled.Vacuum Plasma Spraying- initial procedure used to bring forth surfacingThis system, as the name implies, uses an electric discharge as the heat beginning which is much hotter than the temperature produced by an o xy-acetylene fire. This means that higher thaw point stuffs can be deposited at higher speeds ( 200-400 m/s ) taking to high bonded strength in vacuity plasma praying. Hence higher energy ingestion is needed for surfacing procedure. Other disadvantages are that the procedure requires more expensive equipment and that it is non suited for manual operation in instance of power break.Physical Vapor Deposition. – modified procedure to bring forth surfacingPVD coatings are deposited for legion grounds. Some of the chief 1s are improved hardness and wear opposition, reduced clash and improved oxidization opposition. The usage of such coatings is aimed at bettering efficiency through improved public presentation and longer component life. They may besides let coated constituents to run in environments that the uncoated constituent would non otherwise have been able to execute. Materials can be deposited with improved belongingss compared to the substrate stuff. Almost any type of in organic stuff can be used every bit good as some sorts of organic stuffs. The procedure is more environmentally friendly than procedures such as electroplating.TinAs mentioned above, the PET movies are ab initio coated with nano Tin oxide atoms entirely are now replaced by surfacing bed of TiN ( Ti nitride ) followed by a bed of Tin oxide. Why TiN? TiN bearing movie is oxidation-resistant and has first-class scratch opposition. It besides has superior light rarefying features, peculiarly reduced seeable coefficient of reflection and decreased colour. Using TiN as a solar shield on architectural Windowss can cut down the solar heat addition during hot conditions, Ti nitride coating is the most advantageous pick for most applications because of the comparative easiness with which gaseous precursors to the coating can be formed and handled on processing equipment. A solar shade bearing Ti nitride ( TiN ) as the chief barrier is coated with a thin bed of protective transparent movie of Sn oxide. Tin oxide is believed to hold the most favourable combination of mechanical, optical and infra ruddy emmisivity belongingss to complement solar shield applications.Design OF PRODUCT ( Green Solar Tint )AutomotiveBy and large, our improved nano ceramic movies ( Green Solar Shade ) offer better heat rejection, low coefficient of reflection an d better lastingness as compared to the old ceramic movies ( Solar Shade ) that offer limited heat rejection:By cutting down intolerable heat, our nano ceramic movies cool the vehicle more expeditiously and cut down fuel ingestion. Residents are besides protected from the harmful Ultra Violet rays that are damaging to the eyes and tegument through the high Ultra Violet rejection transcending 90 % . Improves the overall comfort of drive, offers fade control and protects the vehicle by widening the life of the vehicle ‘s inside every bit good. High Infra Red heat rejection up to 96 % and auto interior temperature reduced. Reduces blaze and driving weariness therefore heightening driving comfort. Protects drivers/passengers from the Sun ‘s harmful radiation. 100 % dye-free and no stain and estimated to hold longer life rhythm than the conventional dyed and metallic movies. Extends lifetime of vehicle inside with fade protection. Improves shatter-resistance of windshields. Significant heat decrease lowers chilling burden of air-conditioning and fuel ingestion Prolongs lifetime of air-conditioning compressor and reduces replacing costs. Generally helps salvage energy and indirectly saves environment because decrease of fuel ingestion means lesser harmful gases released into the air.BuildingsConventional ceramic movies seem to filtrate out excessively much of the natural visible radiation go forthing their places excessively dark or they let in excessively much visible radiation and capable their trappingss and loved 1s to the detrimental effects of Ultra Violet beams. Whereas, our improved nano ceramic movies ( Green Solar Shade ) :Reduce the Infra-Red heat build-up in the house and besides cut off more than 90 % of the Ultraviolet rays that cause tegument jobs and attenuation of insides. While protecting valuable place trappingss and widening their lifetime, nano-ceramic movies have the added characteristic of low contemplation at dark and the position is hence non obscured. The bed of movie besides provides an added degree of safety by maintaining glass fragments together in the event of inadvertent breakage. Significant Infra-Red Heat rejection lowers chilling burden of air-conditioning ingestion Enhances interior comfort and life environment with reduced blazeCost Analysis for Nano Ceramic Films ( Solar Tint V Green Solar Tint ) .Presently our company bring forthing nano ceramic atoms from bulk ceramic atoms utilizing the thermic plasma method and use them to surface Polyethylene Terephthalate, PET movies by utilizing thermic spray techniques. We are bring forthing 150000 ft2 of nano ceramic movie per batch. The continuance which we took to finish 1 batch is 10 working yearss ( 2 hebdomads ) . The followers is the cost analysis for one batch which affecting production of nano ceramic atoms and besides surfacing procedure. Solar Shade Materials ( RM/KG ) ( Tin oxide + PET movies ) 54,400 Water/Electricity ( RM ) 572,000 Labor ( RM ) 100,000 Maintenance ( RM ) 40,000 Rent ( RM ) 50,000 Entire Cost ( RM ) 816400 The natural stuff which is used to bring forth nano ceramic atoms is tin oxide and about 45000 kilograms of Sn oxide is being used for a batch ( market monetary value 0.68 cents per Kg ) . 20000 KW/h are being used for a batch for making nano atoms and undergo coating procedure. Entire Cost of the production are RM 816400 and our merchandising monetary value is RM 8.50 ( 1 ft2 ) . The overall net incomes from the production per batch are RM 458600 which is about 36 % from the overall gross. Estimated Cost Analysis for ( Green Solar Tint ) The estimated continuance to bring forth 150000 ft2 of Green Solar Tint is 10 working yearss ( 2 hebdomads ) . The followers is the cost analysis for one batch. Cost Analysis NANO CERAMIC FILM Materials ( RM/KG ) ( Tin oxide+ TiN+ PET movies ) 107,000 Water/Electricity ( RM ) 410,000 Labor ( RM ) 100,000 Maintenance ( RM ) 40,000 Rent ( RM ) 50,000 Entire Cost ( RM ) 707,000 The natural stuff which is used to bring forth ceramic movies is tin oxide and about 45000 kilograms of Sn oxide is estimated to be used for a batch ( market monetary value 0.68 cents per Kg ) .The estimated energy ingestion will be 14600 KW/h. Estimated energy ingestion will be lower for Green Solar Tint production compared to Solar Tint because it does n't affect thermic procedures which consume high energy. The estimated energy decrease will be 27 % ( 5400KW/h ) . Entire Estimated Cost of the production are RM 707,000 and our merchandising monetary value is RM 9.00 ( 1 ft2 ) .The overall net incomes from the production per batch are RM 643000 which is about 47.63 % from overall gross.Social and Environmental ImpactsBulidings and placesSocial Impact:The Green Solar Tint removes up to 90 % of the Sun ‘s damaging UV beams, which cause fast attenuation of trappingss, carpets, images and other belongingss and sun harm. So this lengthens the life rhythm of stuff and furniture at p lace. Besides that, Green Solar Tint offers window movies that block basically all harmful UV beams, the taking cause of skin malignant neoplastic disease and other unsafe conditions that impact all ages. With this, we can protect our loved 1s from hamful UV rays.Solar shade besides offers added safety for everyone and anything in the house. In instances of larceny or natural catastrophes like temblors and twister, the solar shade movie is competent at maintaining the broken pieces of glass together. This can avoid or at the really least lessen physical injury to your pets and relations and extra harm to your belongings. Extra benefits include an elegant visual aspect, reduced blaze and improved comfort and the Sun ‘s heat that comes through the window being reflected off.Environmental Impact:Green Solar Tint ‘s capableness to reject important sum of Infra Red heat lowers chilling burden of air conditioning ingestion. This means energy can be saved at place by utilizing lesser air conditioning. And indirectly, we can assist cut down the emision of harmful CFC to the environment.AutomotiveSocial ImpactGreen solar shade is besides efficient in cut downing Sun blaze which is really utile most particularly to the driver ( automotive application ) , since it is really helpful in forestalling oculus strain and weariness. Aside from that, riders will besides detect the auto seats get hot easy doing uncomfortableness to sit on. Through Green Solar Tint, non merely is the upholstery of the auto protected, but the riders are protected as good. Green Solar shade is capable of barricading up to 90 % of UV beams so one time installed on every auto window you can be assured that you and your household are protected from its detrimental effects. Aside from these grounds that are already given, solar shade besides serves as an added shield that facilitates to your safety and security. The movies will forestall broken pieces of glass from shattering in instance of an accident. This will so minimise possible physical injury both from exterior and inside the auto.Environmental ImpactGreen solar shade is besides really efficient in barricading heat from the Sun. This is a really economical manner of salvaging fuel because of decreased use of air con. And less use of air con means less fuel ingestion. This manner we get to salvage our natural resources ( fuel ) every bit good as cut down pollutant emitted by vehicles.DecisionAs a decision, the modified Green solar shade will supply good solar rejection and it is cheaper than Solar shade ( initial merchandise ) .Recommendation1. The natural stuffs that we traveling to utilize for ceramic procedure, should be maximized, so that the merchandises besides will be maximized. Hence, the dimension of the reactors should be design harmonizing to our company penchant. Overall, we can cut down the use of energy by non reiterating the procedure once more. 2. First, the mixture of our natural stuffs in an organic dissolver should be every bit pure as possible. This can be done, by holding an extra procedure of separation and purification of our natural stuffs. As a consequence, we can forestall the wastage. The drosss from the separation, we can re-use it back as our side merchandises. 3. Normally, it is impossible to derive 100 % pureness in our merchandises. There should be some by- merchandises produce. The byproducts can be re-usable or can be re-cycling back to our provender. It is a good investing for our company.Waste PRODUCTSZinc oxide is one of the drosss from our natural stuffs. So, it is non necessary for us to divide the drosss as Zn oxide have a superior UV barricading belongingss compared to its majority replacement. Actually, this dross is frequently used in ties readying of sunscreen lotions and it is wholly photo stable. Impurities or waste merchandises like nanoscale atoms that being produced in our industry can be used for biomedical application as drug bearers or imaging agents. We can do it as our side investings.

Online vs Traditional Education

There are options to those who chose to further their education, traditional and online education. Traditional education  gives students the tools to succeed in a more competitive environment, while online education  allows the student to learn at their own pace. Traditional education require students to be in classes on a schedule at a specify time and date. Online education gave students the convenience of accessing the classroom from the privacy of their home. Both type of education gives you the required degree to make progress in life.When people think of non-traditional they might think of unaccredited college or university, but that’s not what non- traditional is. Online students are considered non-traditional students because they get to do work from the comforts of their homes. Online education and traditional education are different approaches to a higher education. Online college requires students to learn time management with their education. Students have a gr eater responsibility because they have to manage their time wisely. Most students that do online education do it because they have jobs or a family to take care of.They will have to organize they time between jobs, family, and school. Students that chose the traditional way of education have to be on campus according to schedule. Planning around class schedule will be first option for students on campus especially if they work or have a family. For the most part, they have the advantage of experiencing the opportunity to socialize and work in groups. Even though working in groups at times can be very frustrating because of a group member not doing they part of an assignment.If assignment is not complete as a group then the grade average for the assignment will suffer because of one student not doing their part. Online schooling can be good for young adults and mature adults in many ways. They have a more direct and focused method of learning because the class size is not as large as a traditional school class. Students are able to have a more flexible schedule, because it is the responsibility of them to set a schedule that will work out for them time. Online education gives students that are parents an opportunity to be roll out of bed and not worry about the way you look to get your class work done.With the absence of diversions for online students, they tend to be more focused on the lessons taught and complete the work they are expected to do. Without having to meet the pace of other students, online students are allowed to work at their own pace, which can make students more successful. Online degrees require the same college level work and time commitment as traditional education. Students are exposed to more people from different socio-economic backgrounds. This teaches students how to get along with one another regardless of race or differences; it also can provide a more complete educational experience.Traditional education students will have a more d iverse social group interaction, allowing them to get a better school experience. Attending Traditional school is also a enormous plus for students, because they are more open to gain more college scholarship opportunities than a online schooled student. By being a great sports player, band member, art student, or even entering in numerous contests such as writing funded by the government or even private spectators enhances their chances of being notice is much higher than a online student. Student still take exams, attend classes, and write papers with online education.With online learning there is no teacher to monitor the students, which the students are solely responsible for listening and learning in class. Traditional classes have the teacher/professor in class to teach them. Whether, a student chooses to attend classes in a traditional physical setting, the student will be assigned homework to complete. Online and traditional courses are expected to do a series of reading and writing assignments. Online and traditional classes have due dates for all assignments. If assignments not complete you get points taking from your score.That is why all assignments should be complete on time. Traditional and online classes will require a student to take exams. Exams are used to test student’s retention and understanding of course material. These exams are giving from time to time on common intervals, such as weekly, monthly, or quarterly. All exams are checked by the teachers provided. All exams most be passed with a passing average in order to move on to the following course. If it happens that any exams are failed and class average is below passing average, student will have to repeat that course.Also, students may have the option to take exams online, or be required to visit the campus to complete the exam. Most likely when seeking help with an assignment, traditional and online classes provide teachers/professors that can clarify doubts, and have a disc ussion about a topic if needed. If any assignments are misunderstood the teacher/professor is also there to answer any question or worries students may have. In both the types of classes, students will have teachers available to help in any matte.Instructors make themselves available to students to help them learn the required material on a schedule. Also teachers/professors can be a very good amazing support system. Teachers/professors will be those to push you to strive for better academic work. Whenever any assistance is needed students have the advantage to get in contact with their teacher/professor. An alternative way to get in contact with your teacher is by e-mail or phone if it was provided. Through the years the means of getting an education has slowly changed. Many students today are deciding to do online schooling.Although most people think that traditional education is better, most statistics and facts tend to show that online education is beneficial in more ways. Stude nts will learn and get an education no matter what method they choose online or traditional education. Some may like a more competitive environment, and some may like a laid back environment. The option lies within them to choose what suits them best. With so many advantages and disadvantages between online and traditional education, the option lies within the student. Everyone is destined to be someone in life and it starts by getting an education.