Friday, May 15, 2020

Essay Theoretical Organizational Behavior Analysis

Throughout this essay I hope to analyse theoretical organizational behaviour by drawing on my own experiences from working in groups. The groups I am going to use as part of my examples are all from formal groups. Huczynski and Buchanan (2007, p. 291) gives a good definition of Formal groups in a few bullet-points, where one of them is task-orientation which in my opinion has clearly characterized the groups I am talking about. The groups are not necessarily consisting of like-minded people, but individuals randomly picked by the lecturer/tutor which in many cases leads to different disagreements as the groups try to establish itself and the members of the group try to find their role within the group. Bruce Tuckman came up with a theory†¦show more content†¦Tuckmans first stage is the forming-stage which is where the group’s ground rules are set up and the members find out about each other’s background. To succeed in this first stage the group is â€Å"depen dent on some leader† (Huczynski and Buchanan, 2007, pp. 291) to take the lead. In none of my groups have we had a formal election of a group leader, but somehow we have all â€Å"agreed† that the person that first took the initiative should be the leader. Our leader can therefore, at least in my opinion, be looked upon as a â€Å"silently† elected leader, and therefore â€Å"perceived as more responsive to the needs of followers and the interests of the group† (Ben-Yoav et al. 1983 cited by De Cremer David and van Dijk Eric, 2008, pp. 358). The second and third stages that a group needs to go through is the Storming and Forming stage where normal the group faces its first problems or as Huczynski and Buchanan writes: â€Å"some members might show hostility towards each other â€Å"(2007, p. 291). On the other hand, it is also in these stages that people become friends and develop their trust towards each other. In my groups we must have either skipped t hese stages or finished them fairly quick as I didn’t notice this happening at all. Connie J. G. Gersick (1988, p.9) commented about the stages that groups go through: â€Å"... (The) progress was triggered more byShow MoreRelatedLeadership Analysis As An Art Is Critical In The Development1286 Words   |  6 PagesLeadership analysis as an art is critical in the development of the efficient skills relevant to management. The leadership is split into various psychological components for gross analysis that is essential in boosting the necessary skills. The analysis should take care of the social and cultural aspects encountered in the given context. All the subjects in the context must be considered for a non-bias analysis and overall conclusion on the state of leadership. 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